House District 85 candidate Jay Kilmartin speaking at Alodia’s Italian Restaurant at the kickoff of his campaign. Photo The StandardSC.
Supporters from around the Midlands area gathered at Allodia’s Cucina Italiana Restaurant in Irmo on Monday evening May 9th in support of Republican candidate Jay Kilmartin. This meeting officially kicked off Kilmartin’s campaign to replace retiring House District 85 Rep. Chip Huggins. Throughout the evening the candidate greeted well wishers as they kept crowding into the restaurant to see and hear from Kilmartin.
Rep. RJ May, R-District 88, emceed the gathering, kicking off the event saying that he [May] is one of the 13 founding members of the SC Freedom Caucus and exhorted that he hopes Kilmartin will be another member. May then gave his endorsement to Kilmartin heaping accolades upon the former Lexington County Republican 3rd Vice Chairman.
May said that most of the Representatives in the State House are moderates who funded Planned Parenthood this year, they killed an amendment to close the Republican primaries and an amendment to ban vaccine passports in SC. He emphasized that “it was not Democrats” who did these things, but RINO [Republican in Name Only] Republicans.
“I know this guy [Kilmartin] has a backbone made out of steel.” — District 88 Representative R J May
May continued that it is RINO Republicans who join with radical Democrats to pass legislation that benefits trial lawyers and big business who want to take money out of the pockets of local citizens and squash the rights of the people in SC, while promoting abortion on demand, pushing CRT in schools, etc. “They don’t represent you…” said May. “But,” he said, “I know Jay Kilmartin will.”
“I know [Kilmartin] will be an ally in our fight for Liberty, and an ally in defending our Constitution… and it’s going to be an uphill battle.” May said it takes a lot of money to get the message out and he urged the crowd to support Kilmartin with not only their vote but their money so he can reach the people of District 85.
A large crowd estimated at around 200 gathered to kickoff the campaign for Jay Kilmartin for House District 85.
The conservative from District 88 said “very few people have a backbone, most of them are made out of “wet noodles”.” May added “I know this guy has a backbone made out of steel.” He continued that that’s what we need when leadership comes down and uses committee assignments to influence how Reps vote. May added that Kilmartin was not like most Reps.
Kilmartin was introduced by his wife Elizabeth who tearfully told how the couple had prayed about the decision for him to run for office. Kilmartin said, “I would not be able to run [for office] without Elizabeth.” He said they spent about a week on their knees praying before coming to the realization he was going to run.
Kilmartin said that he is not going down to the statehouse to make friends, but to “fight for [the people of] District 85.” He said too many Republicans “wear red ties and blue underwear” not voting the way their constituents want. He said that time is over, “I’m going to fight harder than the rest of them and we’re going to win this.”
A ‘Meet the Candidate’ for Kilmartin is scheduled for May 19th at Yacht Cove Clubhouse, 109 Shoreline Drive, Columbia. The event will start at 6:30pm.
Kilmartin will be in the June 14th Republican Primary. You can find out more about Jay Kilmartin at
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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