The Alamo is called the cradle of Liberty in Texas, and is recognized as a symbol of Liberty throughout the world. Photo courtesy DreamsTime.
Liberty is not free, rather most times it comes at great cost. It is well past time that those who claim to be Christians and Americans recognize this fact and get off their big fat sofa and take their part in keeping Liberty in this land named America! In the old Germanic, the name America means—-Heavenly Kingdom! And yes, we’ve been blessed with all good things in this heavenly kingdom provided to us by the Almighty God of the Bible!
On a cold morning in 1836, a tyrant was fought against and Liberty was won at the ultimate cost. Men will often suffer much and endure many things to avoid unpleasant duties. They will even back themselves into a corner until they have no other recourse but fight to maintain their manliness. There are those who rehearse Patrick Henry’s famous remarks espousing “liberty or death”, but those words are more easily spoken than performed. Then, we have that special breed of men who may never have known the heart stirring words but have the inspiration of Liberty down deep in their soul, and will not be deprived of it.
When men have that spirit, and they stand to defend or take it, that is a day to remember. Today, March 6th, is a day all Americans should remember. This is the day 187 years ago that 186 Texians stood up in the defense of Liberty and paid the ultimate price for the privilege! The place where it happened is called the Alamo! And it still stands by God’s Grace in San Antonio, Texas. The sacrifice of patriots for Liberty was the rallying cry that brought liberation from a dictator, Liberty for Americans and paved the way for Texas independence!
The Alamo is a reminder to us today that although everybody may want Liberty, that Liberty comes at a cost many are unwilling to pay. Those unwilling to pay the ultimate price to maintain Liberty, are in fact cowards. They deny the gift of God to themselves and their posterity, and enslave their own children to tyranny, dictatorship, loss of freedom and possibly their very life.
I said, willing to pay the price, I did not say it is a mandated price to perish. Yes, those who died at the Alamo paid the ultimate price. They like many other American heroes have made the ultimate sacrifice of ‘laying down their life for their friends’ so you and I can enjoy the fruit of Liberty by the price they paid for us. Think of Lexington Green, Cowpens, and the Yorktown. Think of patriots like Patrick Henry, who said “give me liberty of give me death”, and John Paul Jones who said “I have not yet begun to fight” as his ship the Bonhomme Richard was sinking! Think of Pearl Harbor, Doolittle’s Raiders, the Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima and Big Mo. Huge prices of sacrifice and death were made so that America and Americans would not live under fear, threat or a nation seeking to rule over us.
Every generation of men must be willing to pay that price to perpetuate the fruit of Liberty across the land while smothering the stench of despotism and tyranny at home. Liberty will cost you something, it could be time, effort, money, or even your life. But it will cost something, and it must be paid to retain it. And if you are unwilling to pay that price to maintain your Liberty, then Whom do you expect will pay for it? Somebody must pay the price and you and I will pay that price to retain it today, or our children and grands will pay for it in chains and slavery. Regardless how it occurs, if we don’t defend Liberty today, loss of freedom will take place. In fact it’s already happening.
Unfortunately, there are and have been way too many freeloaders in America when it comes down to protecting, securing and defending Liberty in America. But, hopefully we are seeing a generation of patriots that will stand, make their voices heard and take action to protect the Liberty of all Americans. After all, leaving our posterity Liberty is the least we can do for them.
Just like us today, those Texians who were holed up in the Alamo in 1836 had families, businesses and other things they had rather been doing too. Yet, they had eyes that could see what was happening, perhaps more clearly and better than today’s Americans. And when they understood that Liberty was under attack, they ran toward the sound of the guns! They never flinched nor backed down! They knew their children and family depended on them to stand up against the wrong.
They knew what they did then and there would affect their future generations for a thousand years! That’s just like now. What we do, or don’t do, today for Liberty will affect our future generations for a thousand years!
We either work like crazy to fend off the hell devilish minions of tyranny bring or we sentence our own children, grandchildren and future generations to perpetual slavery and more misery than you or I can imagine.
My children will Never say that I didn’t stand against the forces of evil when it was time to stand against tyranny! They have seen me stand, speak up, give testimony, write, challenge and fight at every step against those who seek to steal our freedoms and Liberty! If Americans will not take the most basic non-violent actions of standing for Liberty, what makes anybody think Americans will stand against tyranny in a physically combative fashion?
The question is, what will your children say about you in the future and their state of freedom or perpetual slavery? Will they say you were a valiant defender of freedom and liberty? Or, will they say, you did nothing but worked in your business or job? Everybody has work to do to provide for their needs, just like the defenders at Alamo. But, there is a price to pay for Liberty, and it will be paid. That price would be much rather paid in worldly or material goods than at the expense of Liberty!
Revolutionary War Patriot Patrick Henry spoke the inspirational words “give me Liberty or give me death!” while speaking to the Virginia House of Burgesses. He spoke those words to many of those who were loyal to king George, and who defended him on the spot that day.
Colonel William Barret Travis. Photo courtesy Pinterest.
Alamo Commander Colonel William Barret Travis, a South Carolinian, wrote in his letter for assistance, “I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism, and everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid with all dispatch… VICTORY OR DEATH.”
Across America we see bureaucrats run amuck with unlawful power, out of control school boards, our legislatures and Congress becoming tyrannical.
I ask, do you have the American character Travis spoke about in his letter? That American character will come in the form of having the guts to stand up for what is right, true and lawful. It will come in knowing how to wage battle by knowing the law, what rights you have under the law and having the temerity to not flinch in the face of those who deem themselves elite and the rest of us commoners who they think need a saddle on our back.
Will you come to the aid of Liberty in your country with all dispatch? Will you reflect on the sacrifices made by mighty men of valor, and say with me, “Remember the Alamo!”
Victory and Liberty are within our grasp! Let us seize the day!
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our video available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.