This year has been especially difficult for many across the nation as inflation and high costs abound. Many in the Midlands are hurting even though they have a job and are working. These have suffered lack of food, money for expenses like their power bill and clothes or shoes for their children. A simple gesture of help can encourage those hurting at this time of year especially.


Imagine, if you will, a country blessed beyond belief in flora, fauna and abundant resources. A country that has been blessed in every material good known. A country that has more millionaires than any other place in the world, and people and businesses with astounding resources. Also, imagine that this same country is suffering an economic catastrophe that should not be happening with inflation higher than most people have ever experienced in at least 40 years. That country is America!

Plus, imagine also that many people who were struggling just prior to this economic bust are now totally bust themselves. They have a job and work but suddenly the money is not enough to pay for their rent, their food, their gas, and the heating bill that has suddenly shot up through the roof so much so they cannot makes ends meet now, and this through no fault of their own. And that does not even mention those who were already suffered lack before the tough times.

Welcome to the 2021-2022 recession and economic disaster that is afflicting everybody in some way, but especially affecting those who were on the cusp and borderline of financial ruin before. The poor and many in the middle class of America are suffering a severe blow this fall with ever rising food costs, rent increases, high gas prices, and with winter heating bills still in front of us and them.

Most Americans are feeling the pinch, but for some they are being displaced because they can’t afford either a rented house or apartment, along with the food and gas they must have. Prices have simply outgrown their wages way faster than they can recover.

Have you ever been there? Have you ever been without something you needed, and regardless whatever you did you just couldn’t catch up and get what was missing? Maybe it was a car payment. Maybe it was something you were planning for. Unfortunately, there are many who are not suffering from something they wanted extra, but from a basic need like food, clothes and shelter!


Are You My Neighbor? Will you Be a Friend?

Hopefully you have never had to suffer lack of food, shelter or clothes, but there are some in our communities who are suffering from all these basic needs. These need a neighbor or friend to help them through. Will you befriend them? Will you be a good neighbor or friend to them?

Too often we hear some say, “those people on welfare need to get a job” or “they have got to be got off the public dole.” I’ve said that myself and I still believe it, BUT you can’t complain about welfare and not take up some slack yourself!. You’ve got to be part of the solution not just someone who gripes about what you think others ought to be doing!

What I mean is, there are people suffering from no cause of their own, they work, but now due to inflation, bad economy, being laid off from their job or whatever the situation they have need. So, where do they turn? They must turn to their community, that’s you and me.

Each of us has a stake in our community, to see that everybody in our community has basic needs provided for. Am I talking welfare? No, not in the sense most of us probably think of it as. I don’t want the government in anybody’s business! America was not built by government but by people who had a spirit of freedom and liberty. We choose what we will do, and at times we must choose to help those who need help. The Almighty has blessed each of us with time, talent, money, and the ability to help those less fortunate and less blessed than perhaps we are right now.

We all help in a community either through making sure we have a business climate that will provide opportunity and jobs or looking out for one another through caring for each other. Most of the time that is through our religious institutions like our church, synagogue, mosque, etc., but even more importantly through each of us as individuals. We can do probably do more than we have been doing with what we have been blessed with.

We can look on our community neighbor and invest directly into their life with the help they need. That can be with a gift of groceries, shoes for their children, clothes for their backs, a place to stay, or any number of other ways. It might be some cash to pay an expense, or you could ask for their power bill and pay it. And by the way, the state controlled monopoly given to power company Scrooges like Dominion continues to raise the rates for consumers even in this bad economic downturn so they can pay their investors a profit like was just recently approved, so this is not something to over look.

Perhaps you can help those hurting to better manage their money and resources after you warm their belly with food or other life needs, by teaching them how to do so. We can all contribute something to help our fellow Americans and citizens, so they can maintain self worth and dignity by not begging for bread.

And yes, there are organizations, groups and churches that do help those in need. Perhaps you can help those in need by helping them. The church traditionally gave to those in need, but the church seems to have abdicated their role over to the government welfare system. What a tragedy, what a sin for the church to give their role to government!


… Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. — Matthew 25:40


One organization I know is Rainbow Promise run by Tammy Bailey in Gaston, SC. She helps provide hurting people with food for their belly’s, clothes for their back, and spiritual counseling for their hurts. She has a full time ministry providing for the physical, mental and spiritual needs of people who have found themselves in the crossroads of life and uncertain where or how to get out of the matrix. I’ve seen her counseling people trying to get off drugs, women battered by husbands, helping working people who needed food because their paycheck didn’t stretch as far as they needed it, and more. And I’ve seen many of the people her ministry helps with the food and clothing they need.

As we in America enter this season of Advent and Christmas, remember those around us who may be hurting. Many of them will never let you know they have basic needs that you can easily supply. An extra can of food or piece of meat may make a huge difference to them. Perhaps that extra pair of shoes can be worn by someone who has none. That may help them continue to save face and make it on their own without asking for help. Help them maintain their dignity but also know they may could use a boost up the ladder of life from their friends and neighbors, especially during this time of the year and perhaps during a cold winter season when the Grinch may have stolen the Christmas cheer.

If you can make a difference in the life of someone and their family this season, Do it! Most all who are reading this have been blessed beyond measure. As a Christian I have been instructed in the scriptures that it is better to give than receive. If ever there was a time for giving, this year—right now—is that time! I have encountered incredible numbers of people who have needs they cannot possibly manage except through you and me.


Would you join me in giving to those who cannot provide sufficient for themselves this season? You can give to many organizations that may help, but one I trust is Rainbow Promise, they’re a federally recognized IRS tax exempt organization too. You can give to them at this address:

Rainbow Promise
Attention Tammy Bailey
204 Meadowfield Rd.
Gaston, SC 29053


If you choose to send them help, mark on the check “a neighbor” or “a friend” or MR sent me or something to let them know they’re not alone in helping those with needs in our community. How much to send? I’m sure they will appreciate any amount you will send, but be as generous as you possibly can this year. And remember, your contribution is tax deductible, so write the check now to help them help our neighbors. And also remember this, when you help others in our community you are helping us all for a brighter future! You don’t know the impact you will have on them and their children. May God bless you as you return unto him the blessings he has bestowed on you!

Thanks from “a friend”.


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.