An article in The Standard written by Tom Dunn caught our attention on the world scene and once again the fear of things unknown. The fear and forced compliance due to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus, or Covid19, entered the halls of the British Parliament recently.
Britain’s foreign born Nadhim Zahawi, the new “vaccine minister” to British nationals.
The Brits have gone as far as appointing a Vaccine Minister to address the concerns about the CCP Virus and appointed Iraqi born Muslim, Nadhim Zahawi to the post. Zahawi raised more concerns when he said that people may need to prove they have been vaccinated against the CCP virus before they are allowed to enter restaurants or entertainment venues.
The Epoch Times said that he “told BBC Radio 4’s “World at One” that the government is looking at the technology that will enable doctors and businesses to check if someone has got the vaccine…”
In a live broadcast in December on the River Thames, Nigel Farage said that “schools have been reopened but hospitality had to pay the price… it has been a catastrophic year for pubs, bars or anybody involved in the hospitality trade.” He commented that “in Wales that maniac [Mark] Drakeford the prime minister has banned alcohol in pubs, something that even Cromwell wasn’t able to achieve.”
Forage then crossed the street to the Watermans Arms where the historic pub was baited by an undercover investigator, and then fined by local authorities there. He said authorities are attempting to close down the pub along with others. The London Times reported “Restaurants, bars, cinemas and other venues, sports venues…” were all going to use the Trace App to determine if citizens had gotten the CCP vaccine.
While this is already taking place in Great Britain, the precursor of vaccine tracing is happening in America. We’ve witnessed the NY City police raiding restaurants and bars to arrest those who refuse to mask up thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo. By the way, Cuomo was awarded an Emmy Award for his public “performance” and his coronavirus pandemic ‘leadership’, that despite the fact that he sent many older Americans to “death camps” in rest homes where 41% of those elderly died, and New York is still having the most COVID-19 cases. Now the Center for Disease Control (CDC), no longer constrained by the Trump administration has issued an order that makes it a “federal crime” for not wearing a mask on public transportation.
Thus, in one fell swoop the CDC assumes it has the authority to mandate forced wearing of masks on state run public transportation. That authority assumed by those under the Biden administration to ply powers not granted them to act as legislative and executive branches of the government. Apparently they are attempting to draft and sign bills into law even though unelected.
This is a clear violation of the US Constitution in waging war against the Constitution of the United States and in fact constitutes treason by definition. The Standard wrote in April last year that:
“In the United States of America all elected and appointed federal, state, county and municipal officers are required by law to voluntarily take an oath to support and defend the founding documents of law which guarantees our Republican form of government. Those documents would include the State and U.S. Constitutions.
“That oath gives assurances that anyone who is elected is either going to support the Constitution in good faith or take the proper steps to amend the founding document. If officers do not obey the Constitutions, sidesteps or goes around the provisions of law that guarantee our liberties, then that officer may be guilty of treason, convicted of a crime against the country and hung by the neck until dead.”
Yes, the year 2020 brought about many strange, bizarre and in some cases plain weird scenarios being pushed on the public, but the trends set by socialist controllers of the world is over the top. This is being led today by American companies who are working to create “smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in order to enter concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries.”
If the wearing of masks is being enforced with arrests and fines, you can be sure that a “trace app” of this sort is another step to not only limiting freedom of movement, but totally controlling each and every citizen in this country with arrests and fines. Freedom of movement is guaranteed by the US Constitution, and is a basic liberty in America. It has been recognized by numerous “right to travel” cases at the US Supreme Court since the beginning of this country.
We have found that fear is a great motivator. It seems that fear drives many people in spheres of governmental control. That fear may be coming to control you and your freedom, whether that fear emanates from a false belief of a virus destroying all of us or the fear of an unseen hand controlling the motions and activities of those who they help elect.
Am all in favour of vaccine development and use, including for COVID. They need to be open and appropriate though so people can be confident in those approved and they can be effective across the range of diseases we face.
— Marcus Fysh (@MarcusFysh) November 30, 2020
Many people in governing power have been in favor of vaccine development and use, including for COVID. But, they may not have counted on heavy handed and foreign authoritarian control methods currently exposing themselves.
But now it’s come to America. Vaccine “proofs” are being tested and gaining official recognition in various places like Los Angeles, California. In LA those who have received a CoVid19 vaccination are “allowed” to load proof of the vaccine into their iPhone or Apple Wallet. As trends go, it typically takes around six years for something taking place in California to move across America to the east coast and the Southern states. This trend could move swifter because of what has become an urgency for businesses to reopen with state permission.
Common Pass is rolling out quickly as a proof of CoVid19 vaccination proof to board public transportation, government buildings and to buy or sell at your local retailer. For those ignorant of Bible scripture this is detailed in the Book of Revelation chapter 13.
CNBC reported January 24th that “It’s an early example of a “vaccine proof” that medical professionals believe will be a tool used to get people back to work and play.” CNBC went on to say that the “Los Angeles Wallet pass is one of the first examples in the United States of a digital Covid-19 vaccine proof, where patients can store information related to their vaccination status on their phones and quickly produce it for anyone who might need to know — like an airline, or a school, or a stadium holding a concert once it’s safe again.”
The airline industry is pushing for a quicker way to verify if people have had a vaccine and can fly within the new constraints of the government and CoVid19—which means more regulation for the CCP virus. Some airlines are testing the CommonPass app, while others are testing TravelPass app, both of which are digital forms of phone verification of vaccine records. And then there is IBM who is testing its own Digital Health Pass along with Linux Foundation.
The Commons Project, developer of the CommonPass app, includes big tech companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, Cerner, Epic, and Cigna. This list doesn’t include Apple which already has the ability to store your health records—including vaccine records—on the iPhone. These big tech outfits have vision beyond the CoVid19 vaccine and are trying to configure ways to get all your medical records on your phone and more. And for your convenience Healthvana and others say that the COVID-19 vaccination proof can be added to Apple Wallet.
Part of their mission is to figure out how to make the “passport” convenient, how to lure millions of flip phone users into the funnel toward using the vaccine passport and how to make users comfortable enough putting their personal medical records on the vaccine passport app. All of the passport app developers say the medical records are going to be ‘safe and secure’ on the app. But, past experience has often proven otherwise when dealing with digital and electronic devices and controls, especially when dealing with state operations. Many probably remember the guarantee of privacy, safety and security boondoggle that arose from many states selling Department of Motor Vehicle driver license information to telemarketers, private investigators, employers and others. The ‘guarantee of privacy nets these states millions of dollars annually. Will the ‘vaccine passport’ be any different?
Another part of their mission is to figure out how to mesh the various ‘passports’ into a program that reports everybody’s medical information in a way that works for reporting ‘violators’ and those who have freedom to pass. After that, what to do with the violators?
One part of the vision that concerns tech designers is the bigger picture that they see of designing the passports for more than just a vaccine. “Exposure Notification” technology was introduced in 2020 to send a warning when people encountered others who had been exposed to those who had tested positive to the CCP virus. There was lots of Federal money funneled into State coffers to make use of the technology but relatively few takers on using it.
One of the draw backs to the apps currently under development is that they can access all of your medical records and that seems to present a problem concerning privacy matters. And rightfully so, why should a boarding agent or security guard have access to any of your medical records, much less all of them?
Another drawback and what they don’t mention is that there may be retail outlets and others who refuse you the ability to make purchases, travel, or even sell your merchandise or products in a brick and mortar or online business without the “vaccine proof”. This sort sounds strangely like the Biblical Book of Revelation chapter 13:16-17 where it says:
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
For the complete context of those scriptures you may want to read verses prior to those listed above.
In the end a return to common sense and individual decision making is necessary, not the fear mongering of bureaucratic agencies of a controlled government of puppets who profit greatly by mandates and controls. Wearing of masks, closing down of businesses, forced stay at home orders, etc ad nauseum and other oppressive measures are crippling this country and making us ripe for a total takeover by a foreign or domestic entity. Perhaps that is what Swalwell was all about for the past many years and what his new role is in making sure nobody brings it up again.
Michael Reed is Editor and Publisher of The Standard newspaper and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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