A view of the Lobby Day 2nd Amendment supporter crowd from the 3rd floor of the House office building looking toward the Virginia State Capitol January 20th. The crowd was estimated at around 25,000 gun toting supporters. There were no shots fired, no one injured and no skirmishes with police or anyone else. The crowd was peaceful and orderly, even polite. They even picked up their trash afterwards. This was a crowd that had good manners and proper conduct.
They were Black, White, Indian, Hispanic, Asian and more. They were old, young, and middle aged. They were Christian, Jew, and other. They were tall, short, skinny, and fat. They were underweight, overweight, long haired, and bald. They wore suits, ties, T-shirts, button-ups, polo’s, jumpsuits, coats, casual attire and camo. They were business men and women, blue collar and white collar, military veterans and national guardsmen, Sheriff’s and deputies, they were auto mechanics and lawyers, they were fitness center owners and doctors, they were nurses and law enforcement, they were jewelry store owners, skilled workmen and a variety of other skills, trades and professions. They were mostly armed, with some open and some conceal carried, they carried pistols and rifles, revolvers and semi auto, single shots, old long guns and new military style composite firearms, and everything in between, including .50 caliber. They were normal people that you encounter every day in every single situation of life.
Most were gun owners. All supported the 2nd Amendment. These were the Paul Revere riders of today, warning the nation of impending trouble concerning the 2nd Amendment and the peoples right to “keep and bear arms” being “infringed” upon.
Virginia County Sheriff’s supported the 2nd Amendment Lobby Day and gun owners.
All Eyes Are On Virginia
The crowd was an incredible cross section of America from everywhere. The people I spoke with came from Alaska, California, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, Florida, New York, Michigan, Louisiana, North & South Carolina, West Virginia and a lot of folk from the Old Dominion. I even spoke with people who were from Finland and Switzerland. They all told me that they came to Virginia for one reason—to show that they support the 2nd Amendment!
Each person I spoke with said, in their own way, that it was important to them to be present, to be seen, to stand against overreaching State government that wants to remove a God given right of the people. The people who gathered Monday at the State Capitol in Richmond, Virginia did just that. They were seen by people all over the world as the last best place in the world where Liberty can be found. And the eyes of people around the world were watching to see what would happen and whether or not the people would give up the Liberty of their firearms and the ability to defend and protect their family, with or without a fight. The Liberty their ancestors fought for, and many died for was on the line and around 25,000 people with a resounding show by their presence said “We will not comply” to unlawful and unConstitutional dictates by the State legislature! Ninety one counties and their Sheriff departments agreed with that assessment when they voted to become 2nd Amendment sanctuary Counties and cities.
There was an estimate of approximately 25,000 people in attendance for the Virginia Civilian Defense League’s (VCDL) Lobby Day. This was not a protest as some have reported. The gathering was part of a long standing tradition where the VCDL supporters and members gather each January the Monday after the State legislature comes into session to remind the legislators that gun owners and supporters are watching what they are doing.
This election cycle they have more to watch, talk about and take action on than in year’s past. Since the November election Democrats have roared like a lion attacking the gun rights that are long standing in Virginia. So, the issue with the Democrat controlled Virginia legislature is not solved, it has only begun.
That means the proposed restrictive gun laws are still in motion. Legislative bills concerning ERPO, taxes, prohibitions, taxes, confiscation, Universal Background Checks, equipment, a person’s right to possess a firearm, One Handgun a Month, 15% retail tax to all ammunition and firearm sales, Do Not Sell to certain persons Lists, and many more concern Virginia gun owners. These are also concerns for other states, especially North and South Carolina, California and other key states.
The Virginia Civilian Defense League (VCDL) made a list of bills of concern with current proposed Virginia gun legislation they oppose and support.
Gun Control Doesn’t Work
Chicago is a Democrat run city from the Mayor to most other elected offices. They also have some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation. As such they are a good way to gauge how well gun laws work for citizen safety. Two separate newspapers keep track of crime in that city, and both are quoted here:
The Chicago Tribune reported on January 21st, 2020, that in “Chicago, 105 people have been shot this year.” They clarify that news with “Data represents number of victims, not shooting incidents.”
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that 23 homicides have already been committed in Chicago by January 21, 2020.
In cities with gun control in place like Chicago there are serious spikes in crime in the summer time. The combination of hard to get permission slips from government to buy legal firearms coupled with the fact that criminals know that most people can’t access guns for defense leads to high murder rates, in some cases extremely high.
But, 2nd Amendment advocates say that self protection from criminals like thieves, robbers and would be murderers are what concerns them, rather tyrannical government out of control and bent on total control of the individual is what is more concerning.
Sheriff Richard Vaughn of Grayson County, Virginia spoke to The Standard editor Michael Reed about the importance of taking a stand for the 2nd Amendment and contacting state legislators.
President Calls Out Democrats on Gun Control Scheme
President Donald Trump Tweeted on Monday “Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away. Republicans will win Virginia in 2020. Thank you Dems!”
Although the current Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has continuously talked about white nationalists, NAZIs, potential trouble, problems and rioting there was none. And now, Northam claims that his measures prevented any problems. Thanks governor, but the Black, Indian, Asian, White, and other nationalists got this, without your help. That’s because they are real American who came in unity.
Finally, the photo is real and the crowd numbers were actually there. This writer was there to document through photographs, video, and written material what actually was taking place at the Virginia 2nd Amendment Lobby Day gathering, and there will be more to write about it. Thankfully, there were no shots fired by radical communists, Antifa or other troublemakers, no one was injured and there were no skirmishes with police or anyone else. The crowd was peaceful, respectful and orderly, even polite. Beautiful! They even cleaned up their trash afterwards! This was a crowd who had good manners and proper conduct.
This report has been updated to include additional information.
Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.