Lin Wood
Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Church will be joining other patriots in Spartanburg July 10th for a conference on getting back lost liberties in America! Locke will be joined by popular speakers, Lin Wood and John Di Lemme. Wood is an Atlanta attorney and South Carolina resident Lin Wood fighting for America, and Di Lemme is an author, speaker, capital strategist and political commentator with the podcast Conservative Business Journal.
Pastor Greg Locke
It seems censorship is becoming the norm on social media. Big tech companies and their little tyrant leaders continually squelch the free speech of normal Americans—in America! Had enough yet?
John Di Lemme
July 10th, could be the day you hear the solutions to being bullied by big tech and other petti tyrants!
Come hear an all-star lineup of Patriotic and liberty minded speakers next Saturday! Pastor Greg Locke, Lin Wood, John Di Lemme, Brad Barton, Professor Toto, Eliana Brooks, and many more speakers will reveal the problems and solutions to the Marxist push in America today!
Join your friends and neighbors July 10 in Spartanburg, at:
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium
385 North Church Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303
Find out more information at
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