Over one hundred people gathered at the SC Statehouse in Columbia for the SC We the People rally to listen to leaders from across the state and the nation speak on the necessity of preserving our history and monuments. They all came to send a message to state elected officials and terrorist groups that South Carolinians, indeed all Americans, are tired. They are tired of the lawlessness, the rioting, the burning, the destruction and the capitulation by those elected and supposed to represent the people of the state and the country, against the values most citizens cherish.
A full slate of speakers exhorted the virtues of liberty, love of country and preservation of our culture and history. Erik Corcoran, an American with an Irish history and accent, is Chairman of SC We the People. Corcoran put together a roster of speakers that have influence across the state and nation from the Congress and statehouse to the church house.
Speakers included elected officials such as Congressman Ralph Norman and State Representative Stewart Jones, as well Pressley Stutts, Chairman of United Patriots Alliance, Renata DaSilva, State Director of BLEXITSC, former state representative Richard Hines, Buzz Braxton with SC History Preservation, Cory Allen of the Overton Report, Mark Timms with Protect Charleston History, and Brett Barry with the American Heritage Association.
Renata DaSilva, State Director of BLEXITSC, spoke with The Standard editor following the Save the Monuments rally.
Pressley Stutts with Chairman of United Patriots Alliance talks about the current “cancel culture” taking place in our society.
Each speaker spoke against the current wave of “cancel culture” taking place in the state and country and urged that citizens get involved in making true history known. Historical illiteracy is the catalyst that has led to the current “cancel culture” phenomenon that is sweeping the country.
A recent poll conducted by the Washington DC based Democracy Institute reveals that a large majority of voters do not approve of cancel culture and they strongly disapprove of the removal of historic statues that some may perceive as offensive. The bi-partisan poll surveyed registered Democrats and Republicans and revealed that 74% of respondents agreed that monuments should not be removed.
Ralliers stand up against Black Lives Matter disruption of the Save Our Monuments rally.
The crowd showed great approval of the messages from the speakers. During the early portion of the program a disgruntled group of Black Lives Matter members arrived. SC State Representative Stewart Jones scolded them for destroying monuments and destroying historical markers.
A handful of Black Lives Matter members attempted to disrupt the pro-America crowd. The speakers rallied together for Americanism. Speaker Renata DaSilva grabbed Corcoran’s arm and spoke into the microphone that “this is what America looks like!” as she noted the blond Irish born host and herself as a Brazilian born black woman. DaSilva stated on her Facebook page that “A white guy and a bunch of other white people holding a BLM sign yelling at me, a black woman, that Black lives matter! Hilarious, I couldn’t believe their audacity and stupidity.”
Michael Reed is Publisher and Editor of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports once were found prior to being censored by YouTube. Please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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