US Border Patrol arrested over 250 illegal Central American aliens that were traveling together (not all pictured above). Most had children but there were many single men and women. Border Patrol is currently out manned and authorities say it’s getting worse. This arrest was made on a main highway and across the street from a Mission, Texas, community baseball field.
Photo courtesy Border Report/Sandra Sanchez.
“This is not a border problem this is a national problem” — Sheriff Mark Lamb
Human tragedy developing on Southern US border as Border Patrol engages over 560,000 illegals in first quarter 2021
This writer made a trip to the southern border of Texas last month. At and near the border I had opportunity to speak with a deputy Sheriff, several border patrol agents (BP), members of the National Guard, US Army, Texas State Trooper, and many local citizens.
All government agents were under a “gag” order not to speak with anybody about what’s actually taking place on the border. The National guard and BP I spoke to under condition of total anonymity were sent by Gov. Greg Abbot to assist border patrol. BP had just reassigned 1500 agents from around the country to assist on the Texas border.
I was on the border in and around McAllen and Mission, Texas and over towards Donna, Texas. This is some of the highest traffick crossing areas in Texas.
Once President Biden came into office it is apparent from speaking with all on the border that the inflow of illegal traffick changed in increased volume. In a press conference Biden invited illegal kids to come across the border to America by themselves on March 25th. That day the crossing level increased.
Biden’s March invitation opened up the flood gates for trafficking and increased danger. A 27 year veteran Sheriff’s deputy said that the coyote guides bring across many women with babies and if they are close to getting caught they will often snatch a baby from the arms of one of the women and throw the baby into the water to deter BP or other agents so they can escape.
Another deputy Sheriff told me that the dead body a young women of about 20 years old was just found dumped on the side of the highway. Her family had been called and told where her body could be found “if they wanted it” the deputy said. Another incident was a Camaro with 15 illegals stuffed inside. In yet another story of the border was a truck trailer stuffed with 238 people in it. Other stories are told of kids dumped off on the street to fend for themselves.
The human tragedy in all this is that those risking their lives to come to this country illegally actually don’t know if they will get here safely. The ‘coyotes’ that lead them here may sell the children into child sex operations and pedophilia, the women or girls may be sold into prostitution, they may be used to carry drugs or more.
Illegals are often initially processed in the field prior to completion at a detention center in border areas like McAllen, Texas.
Former President Trump said “they are destroying our country at the border.” The illegal human traffic flowing across the border has local residents concerned. Many are fearful for their lives and they will not speak publicly on camera or want their names used concerning the situation.
I spoke with local residents about the border crisis. One woman said she wanted to talk but would not agree to having her name used or photographed but said of the situation that “It’s bad, bad, bad…”
Texas Governor Abbott has Operation Lone Star in play to stop illegals crossing, but he’s got his hands full. Smuggling cartels are making Billions bringing illegals across the border. They charge people anywhere from $1000 for Mexicans to $10,000 for Asians, Middle Easterners, and South Americans to get them across the border to a US destination.
McAllen to Brownsville (the valley) is more conducive to crossing than most others. Many of the illegals are voluntarily surrendering when they are caught on US soil. The border patrol separates them into categories of married, children, single men or women. The BP sets up tables in some locales to process the illegals in the field.
Border Patrol say there is 5,000/day coming across border, 4400 of those stay in the USA. Under the Biden administration minors cannot be deported.
McAllen, Mission, and Donna are all in Harlington County, near the southernmost tip of Texas.
I was in McAllen at a detention center there when several buses rolled in offloading hundreds of primarily pregnant women with children in tow. Once the people were processed they exited the center and walked a block to the Catholic Charities center where they received basic necessities for hygiene, clothing, etc. On the day this reporter visited the detention center, approximately 95% of detainees were women with children.
Bus loads leave McAllen every Sunday afternoon full of illegals. They will be released into a community somewhere in Texas, or elsewhere. Amazingly, these illegals are dropped off in cities throughout the state and country without anybody in authority in those cities having any official knowledge, with many illegals with COVID. Dallas is their current destination.
More than 100k illegal aliens were detained in February. Over 172,000 detained in March. The first quarter of 2021 there were over 551,000 total enforcement actions by the BP. That’s over 26% higher enforcement actions by BP first quarter this year than all of year 2020. The US is on track to seeing over 2,200,000 illegals permanently settling in the US this year. That’s like adding a city the size of Houston this year!
Border patrol all agreed that the border situation was under control during the Trump administration. Local resident Lupe said, “The media spent weeks talking about Trumps mental health but ignore Biden’s obvious mental problems.”
While riding the area about two hundred yards from the Rio Grande I witnessed 15 illegals being arrested by BP. On Texas highway 77, I witnessed 5 illegals on the ground held by BP. In another stop BP had captured around 200 illegals all traveling together, they were stopped across the street from a local ballpark.
Surrounding counties hundreds of miles from the border in south Texas are experiencing the illegal invasion too where human smuggling, murder, and violations of US law are taking place on a daily basis.
One resident who lived on the Rio Grande river who did not want to identified said “We’re being blindsided by the media”. Another local resident named Lupe who lives further inland about a mile from the border said, “I don’t think we’re going to be able to turn it back.”
Lupe said, that probably 80%+ of the people are Central Americans. He added that “The only ones who hide are from Mexico. The Central Americans don’t get sent back, they are granted asylum.” Because the Central Americans don’t get sent back they know they’ve got a better chance of getting into the country so most border crossers are Central Americans.
Another local resident said that “something doesn’t pass the smell test”. He suspects complicity with local government and illegals. Attempts for an interview with the local McAllen Mayor were met with unavailable and we’ll get back to you by his press secretary.
Lupe says, “All this corruption strengthens the cartels.” He told of an incident that happened where “traffickers took baby away from the mother and extorted $8000 from her to get the baby back.” He noted that “People are getting kidnapped but their family is afraid to approach the sheriff or law enforcement.”
Many people realize something is wrong but they won’t say anything due to fear of cartels. Several of these people refused to be interviewed on video and expressed their concern of being identified, including some law enforcement. Lupe said, “People are afraid because of Mexican cartels on both sides of the Rio.”
“Local government always wants to take from you through taxes,” said Lupe. “They want to control all the jobs. The local school board owns all the school buses and controls all the jobs. Six figure jobs so they can control people.”
Later in the week just a few miles down the road in Donna, Texas, at the Detention Center, Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham were addressing illegals at the border crossing at a news conference. A BP agent I spoke with said “A year ago there was little to no border crossings.” He commented that has all changed since the first of the year, he said that the illegal border crossings of the Rio Grande are worse now than ever before.
Sen Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) said on her Twitter account the people in Texas have said “it is Joe Biden who has caused this problem.”
Michael Reed is Editor and Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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