There is much money spent via taxes on government sponsored public education. The general public expects that the school will teach basic subjects, while maintaining civil morality. At one time public schools did teach those things, and perhaps they do now in isolated incidences. Overall though, that is something of the past as Robert L. Thoburn relates to us in this excerpt from his book The Christian and Politics.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7
The Christian child is to receive a God-centered education. The Christian parent is responsible for that education. In Christ are hid the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The government schools are found wanting on both counts. They are not God-centered. Nor are they controlled by the parents. They are humanistic and they are controlled by the state.
The government schools consider themselves neutral when it comes to religion. They do not favor one religion over another, they claim. This is not true. There is no neutral position when it comes to Christ. He said that either we are for Him or against Him. No area of life is a neutral zone. All truth is God’s truth. If we try to interpret the world apart from God, we will be in error.
A school that teaches all day with no mention of God is in effect teaching the child that God is irrelevant. The teacher is saying that God is not important. He has nothing to do with history, geography, government,
economics, literature, science, or math.
This is false teaching. There is nothing neutral about it. The presence of a Christian teacher in the government school does not change the situation. Unless the teacher develops the material from a Christian point of view, the ideas will be distorted. The teacher is not free to teach from a Christian perspective in a government school. Any teacher who does that will soon be ordered to discontinue or be fired.
Far from being neutral, the typical government school is busily indoctrinating the students in the religion of secular humanism. Man, not God, is the standard for all things. The child is being reared to serve the state, not God.
The above is an excerpt from the book The Christian and Politics (Tyler, Texas: Thoburn Press, 1984), pages Robert L. Thoburn. Thoburn (1929-2012) was a Presbyterian clergyman, Virginia legislator, and founder of the Fairfax Christian School.
Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.