The World Trade Center towers in New York City prior to 2001. Photo courtesy “Where Did The Towers Go?” page 38, by Dr. Judy Wood.
Today is the 22nd anniversary of the destruction of the NYC twin World Trade Center (WTC) Towers which stood 110 stories above New York City on 9-11-2001. This is a topic at The Standard we have reviewed before not just once but several times. Many questions have been asked, and many ignored. Government committees ruled there was only one scenario that happened and that was official. It was a slam dunk in their opinion.
But, that’s not the only opinion and when facts are looked at objectively the official report is very lacking. In fact, the Official 9-11 Commission Report is very damning for the sheer glossed over insignificant “investigation” and arrogance of those empaneled to investigate.
Former assistant professor at Clemson University, Dr. Judy Wood, has developed compelling evidence that “a directed energy weapon (DEW) turned the physical matter of the World Trade Center towers into nanoparticles through the process of molecular dissociation,” as reported in Critical Unity magazine. The report added that “Wood demonstrated clear evidence that cannot be accounted for by the official 9/11 Commission explanation or alternative theory of military planes, cruise missiles, or other projectiles hitting the World Trade Center buildings, or a controlled demolition caused solely by “advanced explosive nano-thermitic composite material found in the World Trade Center dust,” or solely by 4th generation mini-nukes.”
Interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network.
It is suspected by many observers that DEW were used in the recent Lahaina Maui fires that destroyed select targets and regions of the Hawaiian Island. Evidence of the Maui destruction with the totally burned out and melted car parts and engines were eerily similar to those found following the 9-11 incident.
Critical Unity continued that “In a February 22, 2010 Washington Times article, Richard Gage, a San Francisco architect and founder of the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, states, “’Government officials will be notified that ‘Misprision of Treason,’ U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382), is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act,’ Mr. Gage says. ‘The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial.’”
USA Today is reporting on the date of the 22nd anniversary of 9-11 (9-11-23) that last month (August 2023) the trial against supposed mastermind of 9-11, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is again delayed. The publication said “the Department of Defense disclosed that prosecutors in its Office of Military Commissions are considering a plea deal to spare the lives of self-admitted plot mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged accomplices in exchange for admissions of guilt in the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people 22 years ago today.”
This is a trial that has been fought against by several administrations from George W. Bush to Barack Obama through his U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder who testified before Congress that they were considering holding the trial at Guantanamo military base. This delay even though Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is reported to have confessed to the act 20 years ago!
In the same USA Today article representative Terry Strada is quoted to have said the 9-11 families are incensed “that there are now potential plea deals being offered right at the anniversary, it’s just a horrible, terrible feeling of betrayal” by the US Government. This has also led many to again question the events of September 11, 2001, and think of them as a false flag operation by the US Government.
In 2007, Dr. Judy Wood conducted the only comprehensive-forensic investigation to date which is available in the public domain. She did that to determine what actually happened to the World Trade Center Tower complex. She did the investigation as part of a federal qui tam (whistleblower) case she filed where she accused defendants of science fraud.
From that investigation and lawsuit came her book, “Where Did The Towers Go?” It is suggested reading if you want to know more about the destruction of the WTC.
WTC on 9-11. Is this the image of a building collapsing? Or is it rather an image of an explosion? Photo courtesy “Where Did The Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood.
Dr. Wood tells the story not revealed on most media outlets of over 1500 people jumping to their death from the towers and exploding on ground impact! This was very unusual for that act. Another is the fact that fire vehicles and police cars were totally incinerated but easily burned plastic parts were not. Then there were parking lots where cars were burned but greenery was not. Then a series of photographs where a steel girder is “dustified” in plain view, it just disappears! I remember seeing this particular video clip back in 2001, and trying to figure out what I was actually seeing. She indicates that these were all unusual occurrences. But they are common in DEW use.
One of the most interesting pieces of information about 9-11 is that the American people were informed before noon on the day of the event (9-11-01), that the US government had information as to ‘who did it, how they did it, and why they did it’. We were told that the perpetrators “hate America” and Americans because of “our freedoms”. This was prior to any investigation or any examination of evidence on the ground to determine what had even been done.
The aftermath evidence is plenty but that doesn’t say who did it. Engineers who built the towers said that 1200 linear feet of material from the tower was missing. Even news media at that time stated so. On 9-14-21 Robert Krulwich with ABC News reported that “large portions simply vaporized”. The observation of witnesses was that it somehow “vaporized” with much material somehow turning to powder in mid-air. Wood denies that the buildings were “vaporized” but rather “dustified”.
Which brings up the question: What did happen to the materials that comprised Tower one? The building was comprised of 200,000 tons of structural steel, 600,000 square feet of glass, 206 elevators, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, 396 miles of heating duct, 43,600 windows, 6 acres of marble, and 5,000,000 square feet of gypsum.
Where did all that steel go? It should have been at the foot of the building that collapsed, but somehow didn’t make it to the bottom. Many of the photos from 2001 make it appear that there was a lot of rubble at the bottom, but other photos make it obvious that it did not. What happened to the over 1 million tons of materials?—1 million tons!
A 110 story building that collapsed would leave considerable materials behind standing high into the air, but there was literally none to be seen. Notably, building 7 of that World Trade Center complex reportedly collapsed due to “fire”. The irony is that an 8 story building towered over the rubble pile. Where did the materials go?
The pile of rubble pictured above is no where near the pile hat would be made by a 110 story building falling in its own footprint. Photo courtesy “Where Did The Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood.
Firefighter Jay Jonas said that he “didn’t see one desk or one chair or one phone, nothing.” Additionally, there was over 3,000 toilets and not a single trace of any part of one was reported.
This is not normal with a building fire or collapse. But it is all consistent with evidence of a directed energy weapon.
ABC News anchor Peter Jennings asked in 2001 “where is all the rubble” from the 110 story building? There simply was none at the base when it was all over, somehow it disintegrated on the way down. Another interesting anomaly was that out of 45,000 file cabinets in tower one, only one file cabinet was recovered. How is that? How does steel and porcelain simply disappear from a collapsed building?
ABC News again reported that “People who have been right down to the base of what was the Trade Towers, say there is virtually nothing left.”
Police car half burned at 9-11 with plastic lights in tact on top. Photo courtesy “Where Did The Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood.
And that does not even begin to explain the burned out cars, trucks, police and fire equipment vehicles that were burned out with glass and engine blocks melted! That’s exactly what happened in Maui! And that is not due to any usual fire.
Twenty two years later it seems we are not closing out the case of 9-11. There is more evidence now than ever with personal and corporate photo’s and video coming forward, but there are more attempts than ever to keep it out of the public mind. Much has come out over the years that was simply not available when the government convened the committee to determine the cause. Even back then the official committee rejected much available evidence. This appears to be another government coverup similar to the JFK assassination 60 years ago this year.
One day the truth and all these things will all be revealed. Unfortunately, like the JFK case, by then many of the perpetrators will likely be gone. Regardless, that doesn’t prevent us all from discovering what actually happened if at all possible. A statement from President George H. W. Bush comes to mind where he said, “If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our videos available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.