Yes, a storm is brewing in Virginia for the very heart of the 2nd Amendment and your secured and guaranteed right to “keep and bear arms” as so stated by the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. This one right was what concerned many founding fathers, that without a stated security of certain unalienable rights they would not sign. Among those were Virginians Patrick Henry and George Mason.
The Join or Die Flag first appeared in Ben Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754.
Virginia’s plight is the plight of all of us in our own state, whether South Carolina, Texas, Washington or anyplace in between. The American colonists and founding fathers encouraged each other to “join or die”, meaning that if we don’t work together in unity then we will be culled out, and die separately at the hands of a tyrant.
Whether you are a gun owner or not, the 2nd Amendment ultimately guarantees all of the other God given rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and more. Without the ability to defend those rights, with force if need be, citizens are no more than serfs on the land, living at the will and pleasure of the overlord—in this case Marxist government dictate by Democrats elected by two billionaires bent on destroying America. You only have to think of those who have suffered this fate before during what’s known as the Holocaust, and in what’s called the Holodomor, in Ukraine.
Leftist Socialists and Marxists disguised as Democrats are seeking confiscation of “assault weapons”. Those are buzz words for your firearms—any firearms—that may sound or look “scary” to them. Should they not be successful in confiscating those firearms like your AR-15, then universal licensing is the order of the day. The Virginia Senate passed a bill authorizing such universal licensing. Those who don’t comply become immediate felons, but that was the same fate as the Founding Fathers had before them. King George declared they were rascals and criminals to the crown and would suffer the fate of felons and worse! To us, they were American patriots willing to defend and stand for our God given rights!
The episode in Virginia follows a long established pattern of tyrants throughout history: Gun control laws, gun registration laws, gun licensing laws, gun confiscation laws, then the beatings and arrests begin, and eventually prison camps and gulags for those who don’t comply and star chambers with death penalties for the non-compliant. It doesn’t take long to see that you have become a slave to do the bidding of whoever is in power.
This is a 1918 Communist propaganda poster ordering citizens to surrender their guns. Gun surrender led to between 7-10 Million people suffering death during the Holodomor.
Governor Northam wants citizens to turn in their firearms for their “own protection”. He has said localities could face consequences if local law enforcement officials don’t comply with his dictates. That will bring in gun toting law officers to force law abiding citizens to surrender their firearms. Does this remind anyone of NAZI Germany? Or Pol Pot? Or perhaps Stalin or Lenin?
What we see here is not about gun control, but rather about total people control of ordinary citizens so you can’t stop bad guys with guns from injuring or killing you and your family. The 2nd Amendment is not about being able to hunt deer, it’s about self defense from bad men who are bent on controlling your life to do their will instead of what your Creator has freed you to do.
But, Virginia’s Governor is stacking the deck against all Virginians and ultimately against all Americans if he can get away with this coup. It is certain that Virginia is the blueprint for future elections for Democrats across the country. Ironically, the Governor and the delegates to the legislature swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution–the very thing they are trying to destroy with unConstitutional gun confiscation.
The maelstrom promises to have over 100,000 gun friendly folk in Richmond on Monday to let the Virginia Governor and his accomplices know just what they think about his Marxist plans to confiscate firearms. Northam’s already declared a State emergency and fenced in the area around the Capitol. Let’s hope this doesn’t turn out to be nasty, and the Delegates hear the people and back away from the folly of banning firearms in Virginia, so the rest of us don’t suffer.
Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.