New school boards are meeting following the recent elections and are ready for new, alternative and better training as contrasted to prior training programs which produced the same old output which urged the groundswell of parents getting involved in running for school board to begin with. Newer alternatives reach back into earlier years when common sense tried and true methods proved successful. These newer training methods will allow counties to replace contemporary training methods that have proved ineffective, controversial and contentious to parents, while not showing positive results to be retired.


Elections and run off elections have concluded across the country. Amazingly school boards have been overturned all over the country including Berkeley County, South Carolina where parents flipped the school board. At the very first meeting the Berkeley School Board voted to fire the Superintendent and the board attorney. They also had resolutions on the agenda to decrease the property tax, ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in any form, and to establish a committee to evaluate inappropriate sexual/pornographic content. They even did away with the chairs being 6 feet apart. Parents are elated, children are happy and citizens feel a fresh breeze blowing out the bad air that filled classrooms and school board meetings before.

​​​​​​​Although parent and student oriented conservative school board candidates have been elected, they will now be required to attend a school board orientation and training that aims to indoctrinate them into believing they have no authority. This is not the case. The US Parents in Education organization headquartered in Lugoff, SC offers School Board candidates solid alternatives to learn and understand what their role and responsibilities are toward the students and parents.

USPIE recommends the following trainings and associations:

  1. Family Policy Foundation – School Board Academy (this training is Biblically-based)
  2. National School Boards Leadership Council
  3. School Board Training – The Heritage Foundation


Following the withdrawal of several states from the National School Board Association a new coalition was founded: COSSBA- Consortium of State School Boards Associations.

Additionally, USPIE has guides and resources on their website to help parents navigate and learn how their local school boards function. This includes templates for school board policies prohibiting Critical Race Theory. See those Resources Here.

Founder and President of USPIE Sheri Few recently called for the defunding of the US Department of Education and a return to home rule concerning local schools. Few and her organization are attempting to unleash local schools from the Marxist indoctrination of Federal mandates and a return to sanity and common sense in the school room sans CRT, SEL, transgender, LGBTQP and Drag Queen agendas, etc.

The USPIE website says it is a tax exempt organization fighting to protect children and America’s freedom. The website also has a link to their newly released documentary Truth and Lies in American Education.


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.