Honoring All Veterans Who Served their state and nation regardless of background, race, or religious affiliation.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” — John 15:13
In the 11th Month, on the 11th Day, at the 11th Hour was signed the armistice that ended World War 1. Since that time we have come to know November 11th as Veterans Day. All veterans who have served under the mantle of their state and country are worthy of being remembered for their dedication and service to their state and country. Right?
Unfortunately, some veterans from South Carolina and elsewhere have been treated like the proverbial ‘red headed step child’ and have been ignored recently by state and federal officials, as well as members of the public. This is a travesty! An example of that is the Veterans Memorial on the state house grounds where many veterans and the flag they fought under are recognized—but not all who sacrificed their lives. As we know, ‘some are more equal than others‘ when politically correct Marxism is involved.
These men answered the call to duty when the governor asked them to put their family, home, work, and lives on hold, join the military and fight! Of course, if they refused they would be locked up, and perhaps shot, as traitors. But, most did join up as requested and fought valiantly, many of them being wounded and killed in battle during wartime, including some of my own ancestors.
These men were not fighting to obtain favor, medals, or public commendation. Rather, these men were fighting because they were requested by the SC and other Southern governors to defend their state and country. They were fighting to protect their family and farm from invasion, and they were fighting because they saw a wrong headed, tyrannical, invading force running roughshod over private citizens, their property and their God given Liberty in violation of the Law of the land while they were in obedience to an illegal command!
Of course you know I am speaking of Confederate Veterans! No, they were not fighting to defend and protect slavery! They were fighting to protect their property and defend their state against an invading army sent on an unconstitutional mission of enslaving of all of us by force of a tyrannical, out of control, big government emerging from Washington, D.C. under the Lincoln administration!
And, if you don’t believe that, please do yourself a favor and read real, accurate history from the period and from modern writers who have actually researched the issue. Don’t rely on political pundits and wannabe’s who have swallowed the communist propaganda that has been crawling across the country since the 1950’s! You might start with these two books: The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked by a former professor of economics at Loyola University Maryland, named Thomas J. DiLorenzo, and a member of the senior faculty of the Mises Institute.
In fact, Confederate Veterans were made US Veterans by an Act of Congress Public Law 85-425 in 1958! Congress also made Confederate Veterans co-equal with US Veterans under Public Law 810 in 1929, now 38 U.S. Code § 2306, and qualified for erection and maintenance of headstones and markers in their memory! So, protect monuments and public displays of their memory, and observe their sacrifice as Veterans!
And Yes, Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee were right! That is another myth that needs to be exploded as McCarthy was correct on the communist invasion into the American government, and he was murdered for his dogged exposure of those communists.
A salute to all Veterans living and dead! Among those veterans is my own father, a veteran of Vietnam, and many of my ancestors. Thank you for serving and defending our state and nation, and being willing to offer your life a sacrifice if need be for the sake of freedom and all of your friends and neighbors at home!
Today we remember and honor all who served in the Confederate Army, Navy, & Marines, the US Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, and any other service associated with our federal and national defenses, while defending the flags under which they served. We ask each person reading this to pause on this Veterans Day 2022, and say, Thank you all who have served their country as they knew best. God Bless our Veterans!
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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