All eyes have been on the Commonwealth of Virginia since the election in November. That’s when Democrats gained the majority in both the State House of Delegates and the State Senate. Since then, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has been quick to play the music of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in pushing for the legislature passing his gun control measures in many forms.
The Virginia State Capitol in Richmond.
Tuesday this week legislative sycophants, ushered into the Virginia legislature by the Bloomberg money machine, have passed bills to ban many commonly owned firearms and accessories. House Bill 961 quickly passed the house and bans semi-automatic firearms, suppressors, and standard capacity magazines.
The bill was amended in committee to allow citizens to keep currently owned firearms and suppressors, but confiscation is obviously in their sights. No option is on the table for citizens to keep their lawfully acquired magazines with capacities greater than twelve rounds.
The vote was strictly along party lines with Republicans casting a unanimous vote in solidarity against the bill. They were joined by three Democrats: Del. Lee Carter (D-50), Del. Steve Heretick (D-79), and Del. Rosalyn Tyler (D-75), with Del. Kelly Convirs-Fowler (D-21) abstaining.
This bill will undoubtedly force millions of Virginians to dispose of their legally purchased and owned property, become a criminal, or surrender their property to the government. This is an ex post facto law which is commonly used in communist countries to confiscate guns and or criminalize gun owners.
Virginia House Bill 264 also passed this week. HB264 halted the online application and training process for concealed carry and in fact made it more difficult to complete the training on site.
Ruger SR-556 Semi-Automatic Rifle.
But, there is an ever growing opposition to the extensive gun-control legislation proposed by the Democrats. Now, the Georgia based Southern States Police Benevolent Association (SSPBA), which represents over 50,000 law enforcement officers is pushing back.
Executive Director of the SSPBA, Sean McGowan, has been quoted in America’s First Freedom as saying that LEO’s “have no reason to fear an armed, law-abiding citizen.” This goes contrary to the fear mongering of leftist Bloomberg sycophants and their gun grab fever.
McGowan said, that citizens have often “come to the aid of an officer during the course of the officer’s duties” especially during a confrontation with an “uncooperative or combative violator.” He concluded that “Many lives have been saved by these good Samaritans.”
This same organization issued a statement in January stating that many Sheriffs and law enforcement “throughout the South stand united with our fellow officers in Virginia in opposition to Governor Ralph Northam’s gun-confiscation scheme.” Local South Carolina firearms supplier Palmetto State Armory recently donated over $50,000 to help the Virginia Civilian Defense League defend 2nd Amendment rights in Virginia.
It is noted that the Democrat victory and following assault on the 2nd Amendment rights are a template for Democrats in the fall elections this year. Meanwhile, South Carolinian’s have our own assault on the Second Amendment taking place in the legislature.
Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.