‘Patient zero’ was one of the first to contract the CCP virus in Wuhan, China. Photo courtesy IndiaTimes.com.
Have you taken an assessment yet of what has happened the past three years? I know, it seems like a blur or a ‘did I bump my head’ moment or a “lost weekend” scenario, but it did happen and we have many probably permanent scars to remember the experience. Even today, there are people still wearing masks locally and on NFL football games on live TV for crying out loud—some even in their cars while driving alone!
And even though what many are calling the “scamdemic” is over, be aware we are told that our arch nemesis is coming back for the kill later this year!
So, realize that in America and Europe we have just experienced a political and constitutional coup over the past three years where most Americans were like deer blinded in the headlights and went along just to get along. They bought in to the slogans like “It’s for the greater good”, or if you don’t cooperate and wear a mask, take a jab, stay at home, close your business, suffer “two weeks to flatten the curve”, “two more weeks”, close your church, “two more weeks”, don’t go to the hospital, don’t go to the funeral home or cemetery to see your dying parents, grandparents, friends, spouse, child, or anybody you were just a “murderer in disguise” who doesn’t care about anybody else. Did they say “two more weeks”? Really, these things were said by governors and other elected representatives, and most reading this remember it! By the way, those representatives who insisted on the you looking like armed robber stopped representing most people at that point.
There were even those of us who had friends who contracted the CCP disease, got terribly sick, wound up in the hospital, only to be forced by modern Dr. Mengele type hospital personnel to take a failed drug Remdesivir that causes organ failure, put on a ventilator which was known to only have a 20% survival rate and then they were left to die! And yes, many people, many of my friends did die! Greatest health care system in the world? Ha! Used to be, now a has been! What a travesty! What a sham! What a coup d’état! So bold and brazen to try it in plain sight, but that is how real charlatans get away with it. Kind of like the JFK assassination, in plain sight.
The rock group, The Who, had a song they sang way back in 1971, named “Won’t Get Fooled Again“. It had interesting lyrics considering what we’ve just been through and all they mean. But they sang what we need to pay attention too, in that We won’t and we don’t get fooled again by the spin masters and puppeteers behind the scenes that we don’t often see, and the front men that we do see.
What most of us thought could never be taken by force was willingly given up just because we were told to do so by ‘competent’—government—authority. Who would have thought such a thing could happen especially after all the hoopla concerning events happening in America?
And to top it all off, most people know there was election fraud that took place during the 2020 elections across the country. Who would ever believe that a senile old Manchurian candidate who never had more than a handful of supporters gathered at any one spot could ever beat the extremely popular Donald Trump who was attracting hundreds of thousands of supporters filling up stadiums with standing room only crowds?
Then, to top that off, there was the Save America Rallies in Washington, DC where millions of fans of Make America Great Again and America First die hard supporters gathered to show their support in very cold conditions with families and older Americans leading the way. That happening on January 6th, 2021, only to be drawn into a maelstrom of deceit and drama where many Trump supporters were enticed to enter the US Capitol by shills and provocateurs where there were what appeared to be actors playing a part as if on a stage. US Capitol cameras show peaceful entrance to the Capitol and welcome by security guards, later the cameras show instigators crashing a doorway and a stage like assassination of Ashli Babbitt.
We do know that there were known and admitted Antifa agents and likely government ABC organizations entrapping unsuspecting and perhaps gullible Americans, many of whom are still sitting in the Washington, DC jail in abhorrent conditions two years later! And what third world country did this happen in again?
The entire scene reeks of entrapment, provocateurs, set-up and an attempt to target President Trump for instigating the event and make him an example in the classic coup tactic of blame your enemy. And Trump had and has many enemies in the DC swamp.
Yes, America has fallen from her high perch above all the other nations because we have succumbed to the ‘wiles of the devil’. Oh, I’m sure some will say that sounds like some religious nut now, right?
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. — Psalm 33:12
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. — Psalms 9:17
Unfortunately, America, which in the old Germanic means “heavenly kingdom” has rejected the God of our fathers in favor of new gods which we see daily around us. They provide power, satisfaction, and no reason to use restraint, conviction, or discipline.
The Communists among us thought they could get it totally over on the American people this time, and they almost completely managed to do it. You’re seeing it in living color! It’s actually still happening all around you and will continue until the people of this once great country fall on their knees and pray as our fathers did in days past.
That’s what they did when Pearl Harbor was bombed, when sucker punched by the Japanese military December 7th, 1941. Americans then knew they were at war and knew what they needed to do. Americans today are at war, yet most are ignorant of the fact, still in the dark to what’s happening around them. And since most don’t pray anyway, as Hillary Clinton said, what difference does it make?
And now we’ve just witnessed a shot fired across our bow to see what we as the United States of America will do when a foreign—hostile—country knowingly transgresses our national borders openly, brazenly, and specifically to see what our reaction as a country and as a people will be. Everybody in the entire world knows what they’re up to, weather balloon, give me a break! How about spy cruiser balloon, which could and may have had a bioweapon onboard dropping deadly bioweapons and viruses across the country. The balloon did travel the entire country from Alaska to the sea off the SC coast, and all points in that trajectory over the tops of military bases, nuclear missile silos, and the backyards of everyday Americans. And yes, we still have hostile enemies invading our Southern border!
Thankfully, a few good men, and women, have stepped to the front, and stood up against the Communists and their fellow travelers in Congress and in the Statehouse who seem to sell out their soul for the least amount of pottage! They’re whores, and they love to have it so! Those whores who sell out our country are being found out, and even though there are few David’s out there, the Goliath’s are feeling his presence. It won’t be long if we will get down to the serious business of reclaiming our nation, but much work will be required to win back our country from the devil’s children and his minions. I see it happening already in state legislatures where Freedom Caucuses are assembling, I see it in local churches where real revival is starting to take place, I see it in the marketplace where business owners are standing up against tyrannical government.
Make it happen in your neck of the woods!
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our video available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.