Founders Warned About Central Banking

​The Federal Reserve just lowered interest rates for the second time this year and announced more quantitative easing by injecting even more US dollars into the market. The days of cheap money will soon come to an end, and I fear that many people won’t realize what’s happening until the rug is...

March Legislative Update

The SC Policy Council is reporting activities from the SC State Legislature: This week the House passed a $32 billion budget – the largest budget in state history. However, they only debated around $10 billion of that spending and merely rubberstamped the acceptance of over $9 billion of federal...

Ammunition Sales Soar in Response to Coronavirus Panic

One online retailer witnesses an exponential increase in ammo sales as COVID-19 hits US HARVEY, La.,  -- As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) hits the US, it's not just hand sanitizer and flu medications that are flying off the shelves. While Walmart and Target are running out of emergency essentials and...

Who Stole our Culture?

Sometime during the last half-century, someone stole our culture. [I]n the 1950s, America was a great place. It was safe. It was decent. Children got good educations in the public schools. Even blue-collar fathers brought home middle-class incomes, so moms could stay home with the kids. Television...

House Bill Restricts Free Speech, Again

Proposed legislation by State Representative Alan Clemmons, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, in an attempt to "define anti-semitism" for the State Human Affairs Commission in limiting criticism of Jews and the State of Israel actually curtails the free speech of Americans in general, and...

Cultural Apathy and Atrophy Through Conformity

The Government in our democracy can avoid the appearance of being heavy handed and dictatorial by letting the conformist, brainwashed, fear driven masses themselves enforce the latest far left “standards” of acceptable behavior upon any non-conformists, recalcitrant upstarts, or anyone thinking...

2,624-Year-Old Tree Found Growing in a Swamp in NC

  Along the Black River in North Carolina, bald cypress trees have been quietly growing for millennia. Quite literally so: Scientists recently found trees over 2,000 years old - including one that is at least 2,624 years old. That makes it the fifth-oldest known non-clonal tree in the world....

Gun Owners Call for Passage of Constitutional Carry

This week over 55,000 petitions from gun owners all over South Carolina were delivered to SC State Representative Jonathan Hill. The petitions were from gun advocates Palmetto Gun Rights and the National Association of Gun Rights calling for passage of H.3456, The SC Constitutional Carry Act of...

Alamo Restoration Project “Badly Off Track”

The Alamo at sunset.    Photo courtesy: Texas General Land Office, and the Alamo. "Remember the Alamo!" might become a divisive political slogan as Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has accused his fellow Republican, Land Commissioner George P. Bush, of leading the Alamo restoration project "badly off...

Do Barna Research Statistics Confirm Prophecy?

Well-respected Christian historian David Barton, revealed in a recent podcast entitled: Insight Into America’s Christian History with David Barton, how America is fitting into prophecy. The podcast was on the Strang Report by Stephen Strang. The Barna Group recently put three massive polls in the...

American Identity at Stake This Election

"America is a God-fearing country with all that implies. America is the only major (first world) country in the world in which a majority of citizens still voluntarily take part in an active religious life. That is the primary source of American exceptionalism.” -- Paul Johnson, famed British...

Pastoral Statistics Reveal Problems in Church, Society

Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel in Bangor, Maine, preaches to hundreds of attendees in a recent Pastor's Conference in Charlotte, N.C. Photo courtesy of The Pathway. Only 28% of pastors would defend inerrancy of the word of God.   A recent conference in Charlotte, N.C. attended by several...

Will Censorship Prevail Over The First Amendment?

Journalist Abby Martin was recently prevented from exercising her freedom to speak in order to work at Georgia Southern University.   I remember when censorship in America was a limited phenomenon. It applied during war time—“loose lips sink ships.” It applied to pornography. It applied to...

Reconsidering William Henry Harrison

Who was the greatest president in American history? Ask this question to a group of people who are cynical of the imperial presidency and at least one person will answer William Henry Harrison, the man who died one month after taking office. Who could be better than a president who impacted the...

Hormones through Homeroom?

  Even in California, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo, 16 to drive a car, 21 to buy a gun, alcohol, or pot. But if you want to change your gender? Well, then, you just have to be 12. And your public school will be more than happy to help. Need an abortion? Tell your teacher. Want to refill...

Multiple Bills Attack Right to Keep & Bear Arms

A growing number of bills filed by lawmakers would erode South Carolinians’ Second Amendment rights. In recent weeks, five bills were introduced that push for gun confiscation powers, banning certain firearms, and severely limiting their access – all of which would violate the rights of law...

Illegals and anchor babies

Once again the rhetoric concerning so called “anchor babies” is in the headlines, on talk-radio programs (traditional and internet) and social media. Being a native of the great State of Texas I have heard so many names for those crossing illegally into the US of A, especially across the Mexico...

The Hands That Feed Us

  Bloomberg disparaged farmers, stating that anyone can be a farmer and that it doesn’t take much gray matter.   Political cartoonist A.F. Branco, creates some of the most memorable and edgy political cartoons of our time. If you enjoy Branco’s cartoons, consider making a small donation...

Who is the UN, Really?

In my past articles I have been examining the UN Charter. Lets pause and take a look at some of those who occupy the UN. Many of the organs of the UN are occupied by communists. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union many “new” countries , all ruled by communists who have re-branded themselves as...

Five Signs of a Decaying Culture

It is often declared that “everything is political,” as a way of saying that everything in life is tainted by dirty political games played for power and personal gain, as determined by partisan political agenda and bias. It is well worth remembering that political parties are simply empty holding...

Bloomberg Out of Touch with People

Mike Bloomberg with all his billions made as a bond trader and a news service founder is on a personal mission to snatch the presidency from the populist and fellow New Yorker Donald Trump. Jealousy and hate seem to motivate Bloomberg more than ideology. Bloomberg’s compatibility with the...

The Real Reason for “Civil War” Monuments

  In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released the “Whose Heritage?” report on the Confederate symbols in the United States. This report had one thesis: The Confederate monuments, memorials, and namesakes were erected during the “Jim Crow” era to vindicate white supremacy without...

George E. McCain, Sr., Obituary

George E. McCain, Sr. West Columbia- George Edward McCain, Sr., 88, passed away peacefully at Lexington Medical Center, surrounded by his family on Sunday, February 16, 2020. He is now with his heavenly Father. George was the son of William A. and Carrie B. McCain. George grew up in Colonial...

Rabidly Blue Avant Garde Reds are Taking Over

As Virginia turns blue, we can view its political transformation as a sort of template for a slow motion French Revolution spreading across the fruited plain. At this point in US history, amidst the daily cacophony of blustering and phony confrontation between the two permanent, nearly identical...

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil…”

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”   “The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.” “If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in...

Stingers Extend Winning Record

FLORENCE, S.C. – The Stingers of Florence-Darlington Technical College shut out East Georgia State 3-0 on Friday, defeated Walters State 4-2 on Saturday and suffered their first loss (6-3) of the season to Walters State on Sunday. On Friday, the Tech Stingers earned their third shutout of the...

Rams Win Home Opener Against Indians

The 2020 Columbia International University (CIU) Rams are now in the history books with an opening win in their first home collegiate baseball game in the 97-year history of the school. The Rams baseball team came from behind to win 7-6 over the USC-Salkehatchie Indians in front of packed crowd...

Valentines Day then and now

Valentine's Day, traditionally called Saint Valentine's Day, signals that love is in the air. Every February 14th lovers throughout the Western world celebrate the age old feast of love. Many maintain it is a Christian feast day, honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus. It is, in fact,...

Sorry Barney

  Roger Stone played a large part in the election of Donald Trump. His best-selling book, “Clinton’s War on Women” undoubtedly cost Hillary a great many votes. It was that devastating. Hillary spent more campaign money than Trump. She had the fake news mass media and the Deep State Swamp on...

Virginia Democrats Defy the People and the Law

All eyes have been on the Commonwealth of Virginia since the election in November. That's when Democrats gained the majority in both the State House of Delegates and the State Senate. Since then, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has been quick to play the music of New York City Mayor Michael...

CIU First Intercollegiate Home Game Feb 17th

Columbia International University will host its first intercollegiate home game in the school's history at their new baseball field on Monday February 17. The opening day ceremonies begin at 12:30 p.m. with CIU President Dr. Mark Smith throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. That will be followed...

Firing on Columbia Re-enactment February 15th

It has been called Columbia’s Longest Day… the day Gen. William T. Sherman’s troops shelled the capital city from across the Congaree River in West Columbia. In a sad time of removal and destruction of memorials across the South to fallen heroes of local communities, a commemoration of that...

Feeling the Heat

  Joe Biden’s poll numbers are plummeting in the polls making his White House chances slim to none.   Political cartoonist A.F. Branco, creates some of the most memorable and edgy political cartoons of our time. If you enjoy Branco’s cartoons, consider making a small donation to support...

Spirit of Liberty

I'm beginning to think that American men have forgotten the lessons of history, and I'm finding in many cases they were never taught those lessons. Tyranny and global slavery awaits all who forget those lessons, for both them and their future generations -- forever. Why? Because the technology to...

Failure to Preserve Federalism has Cost Much Liberty

We live under two political systems: one centered on foreign affairs, the other primarily domestic. It’s called Federalism—the two share power. Neither subservient or above the other and each with separate duties. Like a good marriage, a team. Thomas Jefferson explained, “The states are not...

America is Falling as the American Family Falls

"...for the first time (in 2014) the number of unmarried American adults outnumbered those who were married."                                                                                            ---  Christian Science Monitor   As the 2020 election approaches, political candidates and...

Social Science Says “Shacking Up” Hurts Kids

Many Americans think cohabitation is fine, but social science is proving differently. Most people in the United States grew up in Church or with a Christian or Biblical influence with admonitions against "shacking up" or a man and woman living together as an unmarried couple. This is commonly...

The “Son of a Ragman” Passes at 103

Hollywood movie icon Kirk Douglas, whose trademark cleft chin and tough-talking swagger defined rugged masculinity for a generation of movie goers in an earlier day has died. He passed away at 103 years old it was announced Wednesday by son Michael Douglas. Douglas was one of the last superstars...

Nancy the Ripper!

Nancy couldn’t contain her rage at the State of the Union speech and ripped up Trump’s speech. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.   Political cartoonist A.F. Branco, creates some of the most memorable and edgy political cartoons of our time. If you enjoy Branco’s cartoons, consider...

Group Protests Trump Acquittal at Statehouse

Protesters in front of the State Capitol in Columbia, SC. About 40 people gathered to the Trump acquittal. A rally to protest the impeachment acquittal of President Donald Trump was held in front of the SC State Capitol Wednesday. Protesters of all ages started gathering around 5:00 Wednesday...

Why We Must Get Out of The United Nations

The UN Security Council.   In previous articles I have attempted to shed light on why the United States should not be involved in the U.N. and why every freedom loving person should do their own research on this organization. In this installment I continue to explore the Security Council....




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