Is Oversight Lacking on Tourism Tax Dollar Spending?

Harbour Town lighthouse on Hilton Head Island is a popular tourist spot. Photo courtesy Travel SC Beaches.   Each year, South Carolina raises over $75 million through the "Accommodations Tax," sometimes affectionately called the "Bed Tax" to describe the basis on which the tax is collected....

Communist Coup d’etat and War on America!

Communist Coup d’etat and War on America!

  There is a Communist coup d’etat taking place on America! We are at WAR! This is a Notice and dire warning to patriotic Americans (who probably know this already) everywhere! I am alerting you to prepare because the Communists among us are seeing that Americans are catching on to their...

Getting Back to the “Exceptional” America

Getting Back to the “Exceptional” America

  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Ronald Reagan   As I prepared to celebrate Independence Day 2022, I watched the most powerful and emotional interview I have ever witnessed. Marine veteran Carl Dekel had received the Silver Star for gallantry during the...

Lies Told by Promoters of the Inflation Reduction Act

Lies Told by Promoters of the Inflation Reduction Act

If ever an action was misnamed it is the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” just passed by the Democrat controlled Congress. The bill was just signed into law by Joe Biden Tuesday. To say the least, the Democrats and the Biden administration are misleading the American people into believing they...

Kairos Passing Quickly

  In June, we wrote of our experience at Harvard Law School graduation where New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s commencement address sounded much more like an expository sermon advancing religious secularism than a keynote address befitting a college commencement. This shouldn’t come...

How America’s Economy was Ruined

In 1945 the United States emerged from a world war with the only intact industrial economy in the world. The British, European, Soviet, and Japanese economies were in ruins. China and the rest of Asia, Africa, and South America had undeveloped economies, later renamed third world economies....

Whistleblower Reveals ‘Horrifying’ New Patents

“Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee, consultant to the pharmaceutical industry and mega-whistleblower, in a bombshell interview with Brannon Howse Live, exposed a recently approved U.S. patent that proves there is more to the government's obsession with getting every man, woman and child...

Descent from America into the Depths of Hell

The FBI raided President Donald Trump’s home at Mar a Lago for undisclosed secret documents from his presidency. This after the Trump organization had voluntarily given the National Archives everything they had previously asked for. Why the sudden turnaround with a public armed attack on Donald...

Inflation Reduction (?) Act

The Democrats passed legislation that in this backwards, upside down world is misnamed "The Inflation Reduction Act." Could that be another reason for the raid on Mar a Lago and President Trump? It's a $750 billion monstrosity that includes one of the biggest tax hikes in history--and will...

FBI Raid on Trump, Toilets, and 2024

“These are dark times for our nation,” wrote President Trump, after the FBI raided his home in Palm Beach on Monday. The reason for the raid, as some speculate, is that the former President has official documents hidden at Mar-a-Lago, violating the Presidential Records Act. The raid is a stunning...

Under Biden, Americans are Not free

Under President Joe Biden the economy had tanked, inflation has topped a 40 year mark, gas prices are the highest on average in history, the housing market is the highest in history, supply lines have been cut, store shelves are empty of food, media propaganda is at a zenith, we are no longer a...

Decorated Vietnam War Hero Passes

Decorated Vietnam War Hero Passes

Vietnam veteran, and US Army 1st Sergeant David T. Reed following a rifle match awards ceremony in 1961. Photo US Army via Michael Reed.   IN HONOR OF THE MAN   A scrap of paper with the date of birth, date of demise, next of kin, and a little other brief information is all it says. It...

Presidential Misuse of Executive Orders

  With Senile Joe Biden’s trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” socialist green energy scheme facing an uncertain fate in the U.S. Senate, Biden is now threatening to pull a Barack Obama and enact this radical economy-destroying plan without congressional support. Remember Obama’s famous “I’ve...

Freedom is Too Important for Democrats to Gaslight

NOTE: Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question reality. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is commonly compared to propaganda and mind control....

Electric Cars Don’t Use Any Hydrocarbons, Oh Really?

Many people think electric cars will solve problems related to hydrocarbon use. It’s obvious they haven’t looked at the science! Someone said, not unless they were fueled only with electricity made by wind and sunshine. Well, that is just not good enough. Fully thirty five percent (35%) of every...

A nation’s glory lies in its righteousness

Jesus cites the Book of Deuteronomy more often in Scripture than any other Bible book. He resists Satan’s temptations by defending Himself by quoting from Deuteronomy. Yet, writes Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, the 91-yr-old foremost living authority on Old Testament wisdom literature: “I do not recall...

Hero Fired 10 rounds, Neutralized Shooter in 15 Seconds

The hero of Greenville Park Mall in Indiana, Elisjsha Dicken, is being compared to Uvalde, Texas police. The action Dicken took in 15 seconds versus the inaction of over 300 police officers proves armed citizens prevent crime. The Greenwood Park Mall shooter Jonathan Sapirman thought he was in a...

News Round Up

Another globalist puppet gone, “anuzzer vun” needed.   The news stories below are from events and analysis that over the past two weeks have been buried under the rubble of abortion, mass casualty events (Uvalde), the European drought and the piling on to Senator Joe Manchin. Let’s start with...

Armed “Hero” Saves Lives in Mall Shooting

Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mall shooter when he used his personal firearm to stop the threat to shoppers.   Elisjsha Dicken is a 22-year-old Indiana man who is being praised as a hero for stopping the mass shooter who gunned down three people and wounded two Sunday at Greenwood Park Mall in...

“People with a capacity for pregnancy.”

Law professor Khiara Bridges giving false testimony that men can birth children before Sen. Josh Hawley and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. UC Berkeley School of Law professor Khiara Bridges’ testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last week was apparently a thing of beauty if...

U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say ‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’

Politics in the Biden administration are controlling good health recommendations, thus jeopardizing the health of the nation.   The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They are variously frustrated,...

Insurance Death Claims Up Due to Covid Vaccines

What’s really going on with Covid vaccinations? It seems the world is full of incidents that the dominant media ignores relating to your health. Maybe Advertising money plays a part in that. Some headlines and news recently: VAERS reports say fetal abnormalities are up a hundred fold; menstrual...

The Devil Went Down to Georgia…

The Devil Went Down to Georgia…

  The Georgia Guidestones are no more. Someone blew them up. Or maybe it was a bolt of lightning from the hand of God. Many will say it’s a shame that the ’stones are gone. After all, they were private property and some say the inscriptions on the giant stone slabs proffered good advice meant...

Rethinking Your Relationship with the Church

Recent surveys reveal the organized church is severely deficient in sound Biblical doctrine with only 37% of pastors, 12% of children’s and youth pastors and 9% of worshippers having a Biblical worldview! That means many in the church are dead men walking!   Millions of Americans believe you...

Boo W.H.O. Coup Redeaux – Judas Goat Part 6

The Great Whore as described in The Bible Book of Revelation. Image Public Domain.   These kings are of one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast. --- Revelation 17:13    Judas Goat -- Part 6 The United Nations/World Health Organization (UN/WHO) is revisiting and possibly...

America’s Decline of Knowledge: Where Will it Lead?

President Calvin Coolidge (left) with General John J. Pershing The Atlantic recently ran an article suggesting that many college students are earning business degrees in order to gain the hands-on skills they’ll need to land a job. But in the process of focusing on those hands-on business skills,...

Klaus Schwab: Master of the Universe?

World Economic Forum Chair Klaus Schwab has eye on becoming one World ruler. Who is really running the world in 2022? Is it Senile Joe Biden who struggles to enunciate a coherent sentence? Is it Vladimir Putin whose armies are facing incredible resistance from the brave people of Ukraine? Is it Xi...

California Could Force 70,000 Truckers Off Roads This Week

Just when you think things couldn’t be more ‘looney tunes’ and unbelievable, California Democrats prove you wrong! What is happening in the USA looks like a horror movie or a page out of the playbook on how to destroy a country “without firing a shot”. Observing today’s events unfold, one might...

Davos Man Strikes Again

World Economic Forum mastermind and globalist Klaus Schwab. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos took place from May 23rd to May 26th, 2022. This year’s theme, “History at a Turning Point: Government Policies, Corporate Strategies,” was indicative of the globalist,...

Local Businesses Endorse Candidate

Local businesses endorse Jay Kilmartin for SC House District 85 Chapin, SC 04/25/2022 - Local small businesses have chosen their candidate for the open seat in State House District 85 covering the Chapin and Irmo areas of Lexington County in the June 14th Republican Primary. Those business have...




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