Here in South Carolina, we are in the midst of Republican reorganization – a process every two years where the official Republican Party organizes delegates and officers all the way from the precinct level to statewide.
Many do not know, but the (pre-COVID) packed partisan national conventions seen on national TV start by attending party reorganization and signing up to represent their precinct and getting elected step-by-step all the way to the national convention.
Throughout April, every county will hold a Republican convention where they elect their Chair, Vice Chairs and Executive Committeemen to the state party. In addition, each county will elect their slate of delegates to the state convention and resolutions will be introduced for a vote. In May, the state party will undergo the same process. The Lexington County Republican Convention takes place at the Doubletree by Hilton on Bush River Road at 10am.
The turnout of every day South Carolinians for reorganization and the conventions that have taken place thus far has been very large. Larger than 2019 by a measure of multitude. Counties are going through a larger amount of contested races and there is a current stand-off for state chairman between incumbent Chairman Drew McKissick of Lexington County and famed attorney and newly-minted South Carolinian Lin Wood of Beaufort County.
The new enthusiasm seems to stem mostly from supporters of former President Donald Trump. Every day Trump supporters are turning their activism into the party mechanics to make a difference.
Attorney Lin Wood, is one of several candidates running for the SC Republican Party Chairmanship this year.
This convention season, while keeping abreast of these important elections, I’m looking forward to affecting our party’s platform and influencing government officials from top to bottom. Shortly after the 2020 election, when the GOP increased their margins in the state legislature, I wrote about legislative priorities going forward. Some of those have been accomplished, some are stuck and some haven’t been tried.
Between our legislature and local governments during COVID and with the left controlling Washington, it is time to revisit and acknowledge priorities and cement our expectations of elected officials in our state.
Here are some issues I implore the local and state parties to explore:
Limiting the governor’s ability to declare a state of emergency. Gov. McMaster has continuously declared 15-day state of emergency orders for over a year now. Local governments are using the state of emergency to institute their own tyrannical mandates. The legislature should have to approve these orders with their own specific language after the initial 15 days.
Executive Orders from the Governor have wreaked havoc for over a year in SC. Those Executive Orders continue to this day—two weeks at a time.
Zeroing out municipal and state violations incurred under COVID-19 orders. The mask fines and penalties levied under overbearing orders should be eliminated for businesses and individuals. This is an issue of liberty.
County, municipal and school mask mandates. Masks are ineffective and mandates are a violation of freedom. They are also violations of ADA and other health laws. Masks can be very detrimental to health (particularly children.) Government should hear loud and clear that mask mandates are not acceptable.
No vaccine “passports.” It is a violation of health regulations for both public and private places to require vaccination locally and statewide. In addition, the Biden administration is using corporations to implement their agenda. Vaccines should not be required for entrance to any events or buildings, public or private. It’s liberty on the line, again.
Critical Race Theory. An issue that may be the most detrimental to our future. Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project teach a false history of the United States and are meant to pit people against each other. These things are seeping their way into curricula around the country, even in conservative states and communities. Every person in the state and locally must put a stop to it before it’s too late. It also has no place in any employment training in all government institutions. It must be stopped.
2nd amendment sanctuary. The left will not stop at infringing on your constitutional right to bear arms. States and localities must take it in their own hands. The state legislature appears to be headed towards making the state a 2A sanctuary. More pressure needs to be put on the senate. Being a 2A sanctuary means that no resources will be provided to the federal government to enforce any unconstitutional federal laws. It is also important that counties and municipalities do the same.
Vaccine Passports are planned in many venues across the country and in many big businesses. The Biblical teaching in the Book of Revelation 13, that a “mark” would be required to buy or sell is making rapid advances toward that end—all in the name of safety.
Sanctuaries for the unborn. Democrats in Washington and in Democrat-run states are making it clear that they believe there are no limits to abortion. And they are codifying it into law. Conservative states must pass strong pro-life laws but counties and municipalities must deem themselves to be sanctuaries for the unborn, outlawing abortion within their political boundaries.
Protecting womens’ sports. It’s not about “being mean.” It’s about God-given capabilities. Men have an inherent advantage in athletics, even when transitioning. The state house Republicans blocked this legislation in committee. That is unacceptable. This is not just a state issue, your local public schools must take a stand as well. The state superintendent, local superintendents, the state and local school board, the legislature and the State High School League must hear from us.
Genital mutilation and puberty blockers for minors. Nobody under the age of 18 has the mental capacity to make life-altering decisions like gender transformation. Parents assisting in these decisions also have no place. Children who do this struggle down the road in a large amount of the time. It is not “libertarian” to allow personal choice on this issue. The left and some Republicans are using every argument that pro-abortion advocates use.
As a people, we should always activate and lobby our government to do what’s best for our state, our country and our communities. The Republican Party is a vehicle to make this happen. You control the politicians, not the other way around. Let’s activate and come together for meaningful actions while the iron is hot.
Preston Baines can be reached on Twitter/Parler @prestonbaines and
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