The GOP is Donald Trump’s party now! At least the conservative element of the party.
My big hope in the aftermath of the Trump presidency is that he would use his might in the Republican Party and beyond as a real kingmaker that makes a difference. He has made it clear that he is planning on doing that with his Save America organization.
The former president has made good on making endorsements well before the 2022 midterm elections and he has sent out a cease and desist order to the Republican Party demanding they stop using his name for fundraising. The statement from the former president is as follows:
“No more money for RINOS (Republicans in name only). They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base—they will never lead us to Greatness. Send your donation to Save America PAC at We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!”
The RINO, or liberal, element of the Republican Party is coming under tremendous pressure from conservative Trump supporters.
This statement is what I am here for and it was on the back of an introductory statement with even stronger language. This is what I want the former president’s focus to be. But what do we make of the actual endorsements thus far?
As of March 8th, here are the endorsements from President Trump:
US Senate:
Sen. Moran of Kansas,
Sen. Scott of South Carolina,
Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana,
Sen. Crapo of Idaho, and
Sen. Boozman of Arkansas.
Gov. McMaster of South Carolina.
US House:
Max Miller of Ohio.
Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio-16th District, voted for former President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment in January 2021. He is being challenged by former Trump staffer Max Miller.
Of these, the only clear reason is Max Miller in Ohio. Miller is a former Trump staffer who is challenging Anthony Gonzalez, who voted for the impeachment of Trump after the “insurrection” on January 6th.
As for the rest, the list of senators have generally been a part of the swamp and have failed to advance the America First agenda. From pure politics, these senators appear to be in good shape in winning their elections in 2022 in safe GOP states. But endorsements over a year before their elections?
In SC, where McMaster is seeking his second full term, the governor is expected to face several credible Republican challengers. In 2016 as Lt. Governor, McMaster was the first statewide elected official in the country to give his endorsement to Trump when it was clear that the future president was the frontrunner.
Businessman John Warren could be a strong challenger against current Gov. Henry McMaster.
Trump has stuck with McMaster since that endorsement, endorsing McMaster’s 2018 bid for a full term. Trump was given most of the credit for McMaster’s close victory over challenger John Warren. A year from now, McMaster is expected to face several challengers in the Republican Primary and he is not necessarily considered the favorite. McMaster’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn criticism from both sides of the aisle and is considered to be in for a tough re-election battle. So why the endorsement so early in the process?
As we look back, in past election cycles, President Trump has endorsed people who didn’t ever really show that they were on his side—mainly Sens. Collins, Romney and Sasse. These were people who worked against the president during his term and after.
So, what is the deal here? I personally believe President Trump’s best choice is focusing on ridding not only Washington, but the states of their terrible representation. So I am looking for a narrow focus on choosing the right people in Republican Primaries.
I want to hear your opinions. What I see here is that President Trump wants to confirm his control on the Republican’s. That is fine, but it is important that his vision of Trump’s Republican Party must be a better one than the swamp GOP that currently exists.
Preston Baines can be reached on Twitter/Parler @prestonbaines and
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Since President Trump’s ego will not permit him to admit his mistakes of the past … he must correct his course or see dissatisfaction among his followers who will continue to be MAGA Agenda (or better) Supporters.