In Lexington County Council District Six (Chapin, North Lake Drive area of Irmo and parts of Lexington near the Dam,) Charli Wessinger of Chapin is the clear choice in the Republican primary. Charli has been on the front lines and accomplished many things as far as zoning for the district and has been a strong voice on issues regarding School District Five. She is a fiscal conservative who has fought against tax hikes.
Lexington County Council District Six candidate Charli Wessinger
Her opponent, longtime former County Councilman Johnny Jeffcoat of Irmo has campaigned as a strong conservative but his record is anything but. In his long career on county council, part of it as chairman, he has voted for every tax increase since 2005, championed the countywide sales tax increase that failed by a 2 to 1 margin, championed the Chapin Technology Park Project that bilked Lexington County taxpayers for $16 million and netted $0 and has had a close relationship with builders that has resulted in an amount of growth that is uncomfortable for constituents.
Lexington County Council District Six, Johnny Jeffcoat
In recent days, the Jeffcoat campaign has signaled that they may have some concern.
As Wessinger has solidified her base in Chapin, Jeffcoat’s campaign has come under fire. The former councilman not only faces fire on claiming primary residency for multiple homes, but his campaign is facing criticism after “Democrats for Charlie” signs and mailers have appeared to district residents. The Wessinger campaign has pointed out the graphical and issue inconsistencies with her campaign as well as the use of the Chapin Publix Supermarkets as the address for the mailer. Has the Jeffcoat campaign entered panic mode or is it covering it’ basis by attacking? We don’t know.
District Six would do well in electing Political newcomer and community advocate Charli Wessinger.
Preston Baines is a political analyst and can be reached at @prestonbaines on Twitter and
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