Technology is invading every facet of our lives on a daily basis. Is it destroying our humanity?


One thing I have become very aware of is we humans are losing our humanity to machines, and it is exponential. The more we use them the more they take over our lives. Things like Facebook and Google and Apple are just used as catalysts to the ongoing takeover of our minds, and eventually our souls. And they are very effective in doing so. Have you noticed that we are now watched 24/7 by the technology used in our world.
Worst of all, as humans we have become willing accomplices in our own destruction as humans.

We are being controlled by cell phones as everyone now uses them for more and more, including, sadly, to replace human interactions. We don’t even talk, we do it by text or messaging in other forms. Computers not only give us instant information, but they are taking it at the same time without our knowledge. Go search something and second’s later information on that shows up on Facebook in the form of an ad or other things. As I said, it is exponential to the point that in not too many years we will not be able to think or function as humans.

What is happening in America, and the world is because of our total reliance on tech machines. Remember when the new millennium was about to come and panic, real panic set in? We were so worried about what would happen if the computers couldn’t understand the change to 2000 that there was world-wide panic. The proof of that was in how much profit was made off of merchandise sold regarding this fear. People were so worried that everything we use and do would come to a stop, and sadly it would have.

We are so dependent on computers that the reality was and is everything, including our power and cars and our daily lives would have been shut down. Why? What would we have done before our dependence on computers? We would have gone on as if nothing happened without any thought to losing anything. We have become so indoctrinated in fear that it controls our lives in every moment. We get instant news, and in most cases instant lies. When I was growing up we got the news after it had been quantified. People had a chance to check the stories without instant influence. Now anything that happens is recorded with cell phones. How do we really know what is real or staged anymore? We live our lives on the instant so much we have lost the ability to discern what is true and what is not.

As I watched the results of these last elections I realize that they are being so manipulated by everyone so much that we no longer have free elections. It’s not only the democrats doing this, in some ways so too are the republicans.

Why are results instant unless they need time to cheat as the left has done?

However, I have seen here in South Carolina instances where the republicans are cheating other republicans. I watched the horror show of Horry County politics as other republicans who wanted the power did all they could to take out fellow republicans. It has come down to one word on all sides, a very ugly word, POWER. It’s all about power over people without regard to their humanity or the freedoms that are being usurped from the people. It is a disgusting horror to watch. Power is ugly if used against people, and in our world today that is what is happening on all levels by those who want absolute power. So what was the reason for the takeover of the Horry County GOP? The reason was that we were pushing for honest elections in the state that perhaps would have taken out politicians who wanted to keep their power without regard for the needs of the people. Powerful people always want more power, as that too is exponential.

The elections are only a small part of it all compared to the bigger picture of humans losing their humanity to machines. I know I keep hammering at this, but in truth the even bigger issue is so many in the world today have turned away from God. They have turned away from the truth of God. Worst of all they have lost their faith in God. When we see people going insane over changing gender or having abortions we have to ask where their minds are. Sadly it’s not their minds that are being lost, it is their souls. People have lost their faith in God to the point that they are giving away their souls to evil. So understand this, and understand it well, as long as we continue to be allow the machines to take away more and more of our humanity we will lose it all together, and not in the too distant future. Machines have no humanity, they spew out what we put in. So as we lose our humanity and our faith we will become their servants through our own volition. Sadly no one seems to care.


Stuart Behar moved to SC from Los Angeles to escape the leftist regime in California, where he was born. He has written over 3,000 poems and published five books, one is a book of poems entitled Reflections of the Spirit. His mission is to reach people with the message to save America from the sewer it is becoming.

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