YouTube has been fingered as a culprit in cooperation with US government censorship. A federal judge in Louisiana has issued a ruling that limits the Biden administration’s communication with social media platforms regarding a wide range of online content,...
Many Americans take freedom and independence for granted, unless you fled from a Communist regime. The lady pictured did just that and is making the most of it. Photo courtesy Lily Tang Most Americans don’t realize just how good we’ve...
Pictured is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Photo courtesy Independence Hall visitors center. This year 2023, we commemorate 247 years since our Founding Fathers signed their own potential death warrant we call the Declaration of Independence. There is...
Lily Tang Williams escaped from Communist China and fled to America. Photo courtesy Lily Tang Williams. My story begins in Chengdu, China, at the dawn of the Cultural Revolution, an insanity that gripped millions of my countrymen. We were destitute, as were...
Photo courtesy Pexels/Tim Mossholder. When their ship from the Netherlands docked in the harbor of New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1688, Garrett Hendricks DeWeese, and his wife Zytian, could not have known of the historic events that would direct the...