Why Grandpa Carried a Gun

    The quintessential reason why Grandpa carried a gun was that he wanted to live a little longer. My Grandpa lived in a small town in upstate SC. He was a simple man who had moved from the mountains of Virginia to South Carolina when he was a young man...

Gun History and Facts

    Don’t be so naive to think that tyranny could not happen in the USA. Bad guys live in every century and in every culture, and they are waiting for the moment they can take advantage of people who cannot stop or defend themselves against them. In 1929,...
The Face Behind YouTube’s Censorship

The Face Behind YouTube’s Censorship

The graphic pictured above was featured in The Washington Times concerning the Google and their Communist connection. The Times headline and sub-head read: “How Google is Communist China’s collaborator, The company is a participant in ventures it must know...
Are Any “Contending for the Faith” Today?

Are Any “Contending for the Faith” Today?

Contending for the faith is fighting for your belief and value system. One system will win. Photo courtesy Trend loops.   We have been silent for way too long! To many people have allowed, participated in and perpetuated a lie in our state and country to not only...
Magna Charta at 808

Magna Charta at 808

At 808 the Magna Charta remains a major document representing liberties demanded by the people. Image courtesy Texas Tech Remnant Trust.   Though the Magna Charta has been with us for a long time, there is something better than Magna Charta! Read along with...