US Meat Supply May Soon be Vaxxed!

US Meat Supply May Soon be Vaxxed!

Image courtesy Natural News.   US meat may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from biotech “vaccines”   A vegetarian diet may be in the future for those who abstain, reject or resist the recent Covid-19 “vaccine” as the US meat industry is...
Laying Siege to the Institutions

Laying Siege to the Institutions

The university has become a battle ground for the future of America. Photo courtesy Hillsdale College.   The following is adapted from a speech delivered at Hillsdale College on April 5, 2022, during a two-week teaching residency at Hillsdale as a Pulliam...

Are We Headed Into a Cashless Society?

  “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his...
US Meat Supply May Soon be Vaxxed!

US Meat Supply May Soon be Vaxxed!

US meat supply may soon be compromised by experimental gene therapy masquerading as a Covid vaccine. Photo courtesy Natural News.   A vegetarian diet may be in the future for those who abstain, reject or resist the recent Covid-19 “vaccine” as the US meat...