The Great Whore as described in The Bible Book of Revelation. Image Public Domain.
These kings are of one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast. — Revelation 17:13
Judas Goat — Part 6
The United Nations/World Health Organization (UN/WHO) is revisiting and possibly combining the Biden proposed ‘death to all national governments’ International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments and the Pandemic Treaty. Originally the IHR meeting was scheduled for June 16-17, 2022, and Treaty, August 1, 2022; now reportedly the IHR is rescheduled to September 30. This strategy is the deployment of the Hegelian Dialectic which is also routinely used by the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch to snooker U.S. citizens and the general public.
May of this year, the 75th World Health Assembly, administrative division of the WHO, met in Geneva, Switzerland with delegates from 194 nations. There was not the consensus vote to pass the amendments offered by the Biden administration which would empower the WHO to arbitrarily and unilaterally declare a “public health emergency” for any discrete geographic area, region or the entire globe. The WHO would then be empowered to set forth rules with the force of law regarding what the actions and restrictions to said declaration must be in any or all of each of the 194 countries with no country being able to modify or refuse those rules without significant punitive sanctions and/or other more forceful actions. Recall the past two years of the near global shut down with its rules based on the financial benefit to the primary donors of the WHO, who are also donors/members of the World Economic Forum (WEF); to the profound detriment of most of the global population.
They are reconvening to try again for a global takeover of every country’s national sovereignty in the Pandemic Treaty on August 1, 2022. They have scheduled a third opportunity to try again in a separate IHR meeting September 30, 2022, should the August 1 effort fail. The African nations which objected to Biden’s administrative amendments being approved on their own have not voiced opposition to their substance. They indicated they prefer all the changes be consolidated into a new “Pandemic Treaty” rather than piecemeal. Now the Treaty meeting will happen this, August 1. One size does not fit all in garments or governance.
Be alert: the agreement being pursued morphed from being related to infectious diseases to including anything the WHO’s Director-General identifies as a ‘public health emergency’ which includes lack of easy access to abortions; all of the ‘green agenda’ environmental items, non-human animal protections, gun control, domestic terrorism, disinformation, hate speech, grid and/or power outages; water or food contamination or shortages and other disasters the WEF has rehearsed. The WHO’s Director-General would be empowered to define whatever he wishes as a ‘public health emergency’; place the locations of his choice under his arbitrary rules with the force of law. He is beholding to the billionaire financial oligarchs; as are leadership of many countries and multinational organizations, like the kings of Revelation 17:13 (above).
Image courtesy of blog
The US Constitution Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 gives the U.S. President the power to negotiate treaties and international agreements with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, on paper. From the early beginnings of this republic, most presidents have not always sought either advice or consent from the Senate for the many treaties and agreements throughout our history. The U.S. Federal Courts including the Supreme Court have not always acknowledged the Senate’s obligation and right to vote to approve or disapprove a treaty or international agreement.
May 26, Sen. Ron Johnson introduced Senate Bill 4343 which specifically requires this WHO agreement/treaty be brought before the U.S. Senate for approval or rejection. We need to let our senators know we want S.4343 passed. It is important to keep in mind, international treaties including those made with and/or through a multinational nongovernmental organization (NGO) have the full force of law for the U.S. Government when it is signed by an official of the U.S. Executive Branch. The power of a treaty is same as a U.S. Law passed by Congress.
We must be vigilant and again contact our Senators to tell them negligence to stop both the WHO IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty or its replacement are “deal-breakers” for garnering votes for any public office. Also, if they don’t stop both of these, they will be without a job as the US government will be the puppets of the UN/WHO. The WHO could defer or change the legal methods for elections. Hegelian theatrics (described below) will not suffice for the WHO nor the U.S. Congress or Executive Office any longer. For your convenience, the link to connect with your personal U.S. Senator is here.
Image of Hegel courtesy of
The Hegelian Dialectic: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was one of the major figures of the German philosophical scene in the first half of the nineteenth century. Hegel seemed fascinated by Mesmerism, psychic phenomena, precognition and sorcery. He publicly associated with known occultists and psychologists; corresponded with colleagues about the nature of magic and the ‘Earth Spirit’. and embraced their symbolic systems.
Hegel’s dialectic process was part of the core of Nazi and Soviet brainwashing techniques. It effectively eroded Biblical unchanging truths and filled the vacuum with the idea of evolving “truths” and humanistic evolution-based dreams of human grandeur. The WEF and UN carry this on today.
The basics of the original Hegelian Dialectic are: the introduction of a thesis/proposal which is usually an extreme position or proposition, which prompts an opposing anthesis/proposal which after discussion or debate, results in a predetermined targeted synthesis/compromise. The compromise was the real goal. The back and forth is political theatre for the electorate This theatre is propaganda for the public. The overall strategy is incremental steps in the direction of the extreme position. Hegel taught revolution by evolution. He was an evolutionary, humanist atheist and believed humans could engage in nonviolent contesting by incrementalism to a point of arriving at perfection, when the dialectic theatre would simply cease on its own. This has never happened. Most of those who employ the Hegelian Dialectic modify it to their personality and historical context.
This Hegelian method was used by the Clinton administration proposing universal healthcare. It was defeated, as expected; but set the stage for corporations to change the medical system whose goal had been health into the managed care industry whose goal was/is identifying or creating symptoms to prescribe corresponding pharmaceuticals, medical devices and or other therapeutics with their own adverse side effects to necessitate treating those symptoms increasing financial rewards for the pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and distributors. Vaccine boosters anyone? Fortunately, significant numbers of individual health providers in the various health professions are dedicated to the health of their patients.
Hegel’s dialectic strategy is designed to manipulate persons into a circular thinking pattern and a false sense of being a participant in the decision-making process. It depends on the perception of a false binary opposition; like the U.S. political parties which are basically bought by the same set of major funders. One side introduces an extreme position when their real immediate target is the compromise position. This has been done with Executive Orders also. It can happen in nongovernment workplaces too.
In March, at a campaign fundraiser, Alabama Republican Congressman Mo Brooks was filmed confirming what many U.S. citizens have suspected for decades about the efficacy of lobbyists, Political Action Committees (PACs) and SuperPACs; nonprofits and the political parties. It is mostly political theatre. He stated his remarks were based on his personal experience in the House of Representatives. Photo courtesy of Mo Brooks official Congressional website.
Here is my summary of what Rep. Brooks shared in the video: special interest groups control the federal government; in the Congress, committees are ranked in order of influence with the most powerful being most monetarily valued; positions within committees are also ranked and assigned a price; the cost of a committee and a leadership position within one usually runs from many thousands to over a million dollars; the same financial oligarchs who make up the WEF are the major funders of nonprofits, PACs and SuperPACs which purchase financial favor by ‘donating’. These donations are often to secure committee assignment(s); the money usually goes through each elected person via their campaign organization or a PAC to the head of the political party in power who controls committee assignments. In the House of Representatives, it is the Speaker of the House. Thus, the two major political parties are dependent on the same financial resources. Dependency buys control. There are a few persons within the respective parties who do not go along with this financial system.
This does not mean being involved in the political process is a waste of time. On the contrary! It means more of us need to become involved. More live interaction, more accountability. Some may be called to take the places of those who have sold their birthrights.
Make sure no one is immoral or godless like Esau, who traded his birthright as the firstborn son for a single meal. (Hebrews 12:16)
Because in December of 2015, the Supreme Court ruled placing limits on political contributions is unconstitutional; we have a great deal of work to do. There seems to be no branch of government at any level immune to selling itself.
Where there is darkness; we are called to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-15). It means more of us need to become involved in ways matching our Spiritual Gifts; and natural talents. We do not need to point fingers without rolling up our sleeves and taking personal responsibility and be involved in Biblical remedial action in our called area(s). As long as we passively permit this to continue; we are complicit.
Beginning by contacting our families and friends and asking them to join us to make known our desire for all efforts by the WHO and/or the WEF to strip our national sovereignty to be stopped is a great first step. Senate Bill 4343 (above). Staying focused on Biblical values and Truth when all sorts of words are swirling about is essential. Test everything with Scripture itself. Don’t look for a person or a group to save us; Christ Jesus already has; and we thank Him by actively stewarding our personal choice-making. This is true for the other critical issues of today; of which there are many. This means there are no lack of opportunities for us each.
But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5
if My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Barbara Bush, M.P.S. was an alcoholic/drug addict until age 34, and after a 5 year cleansing period she earned a master’s degree from Loyola University Graduate Institute for Ministry. Her career has spanned federal, state and local governments, community organizations and ministry working in behavioral health, criminal justice and human services. For the past ten years she has focused on promoting Biblical Truth. She is the principal at Graceful Dynamics Consulting.
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