The Fight to End Human Trafficking, Part 2: A Glimpse into Mainstream Media’s Coverage of Human Trafficking (or the Lack thereof)
If you or someone you know needs assistance, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text “BeFree” to 233733. You are not alone!
It is vitally important that you understand the intention behind this series and the plots against our nation. If we stay unaware, we remain ill equipped to expose and combat them. These writings are not meant to lead by fear but rather by faith, education, experience and integrity. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people; they are the only reliance for the preservation of our Liberty.” By spreading awareness, by sparking a continued interest in truth seeking, and by openly receiving this information you become a part of the solution. You become a ray of light in the dark quagmire that intends you stay in the dark and keep blinders on serving the government instead of the government serving its people. The moment you become awake, is the moment you reclaim the power provided to you by God and protected in our Constitution. So we invite you to join us on this journey of Awakening, discussing difficult Truths and rediscovering what it means to be a Free American.
The Fight to End Human Trafficking
Milk companies used to feature missing children on the cartons. There are millions of missing and trafficked to date.
Check out our first article in this five part series where we address the basics of Human Trafficking and set the stage for the conversations to come. In this edition we will be discussing the lack of media coverage on the real pandemic—Human Trafficking. If you are enjoying this series and would like to learn more about how you can make a difference, or if you have questions, feel free to share this article and submit comments and I’ll do my best to answer them! You can also email me directly at
We have witnessed in real time the deterioration of mainstream media through endless fear mongering (ex: the nature of Covid-19 coverage while excluding the validity of therapeutics and natural immunity), manufacturing of stories (ex: the propagation of Russiagate without clear corrections after uncovering the origin of the Steele Dossier) and lack of coverage of others (ex: the largest and fastest growing crime in the world – Human Trafficking). It is no wonder why it has been commonly stated that the press has become the enemy of the People. From the founding of our nation it was known that, “The only security of all is in a free press” – Thomas Jefferson, and that, “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state” – John Adams. Why is this sentiment so important and how does press coverage affect Human Trafficking? It is important to note that in a digitally driven world where news is readily available, the illusion of choice is provided to the People as they are consuming media.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [expose and rebuke] them. Ephesians 5:11
The media octopus controls over 90%of the information that the majority of people consume. Thus, whatever the dominant media shovels out for consumption, most people hear, see and believe.
However, with the majority of our mainstream media being owned by only 6 corporations (Comcast, CBS, Disney, Viacom, News Corp., and AT&T) choice is eradicated and, rather than producing stories in the best interest of the People, mainstream media begin producing stories in the best interest of their shareholders. Understanding who owns the press allows us to sift through the true intentions of the network and, unfortunately, instead of a free press we experience media that would rather protect their investors than speak the Truth. This produces a narrative tightly controlled by a few and robs the People of wisdom and without wisdom the power of the People greatly diminishes.
If the dominant “mainstream” media decides not to report the Truth about Human Trafficking, logic and reason would lead us to believe that the protection being provided undermines the victims and tries to keep secret the involvement of media investors in this rapidly growing humanitarian crisis. Our first President, George Washington once said, “For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.” If our press is no longer free it becomes the duty of the People to expose corruption and shine Light on the Truth for the sake of our Nation.
A free press is vital to the survival of our Republic. Photo courtesy Daily Cartoonist.
We can see an example of such corruption in a recent publication by The Atlantic. Contrary to the evidence that we will present in future parts of this series proving an immense amount of Human Trafficking arrests resulting in both state and federal charges, the news outlet recently published a story as a part of “Shadowland” entitled “The Great (Fake) Child Sex Trafficking Epidemic” in which author Kaitlyn Tiffany minimizes the reality of Human Trafficking. She states, “Whatever the incidence, sex trafficking does not involve Tom Hanks or hundreds of thousands of American children.”
Making such an assertion with no evidence to back up her claims is the epitome of ‘mainstream journalism’ today and should be approached with logic, reason, and a willingness to research for ourselves in pursuit of truth rather than biased opinions.
According to the Department of Justice, “The number of U.S. citizens trafficked within the country each year is even higher, with an estimated 200,000 American children at risk for trafficking into the sex industry.” This statistic comes from a 2004 report to Congress and we know that the industry has grown substantially since then. We understand that estimations of trafficked persons are difficult to substantiate as victims are usually hesitant to come forward. This results in an underestimation of the true number of trafficked persons.
“…the real pandemic is not Covid-19 but Human Trafficking.”
After making mention of a few non-profit organizations working to end human trafficking and online movements that have brought to light the existence of such crimes, the author goes on to greatly downplay the seriousness of the topic. Stating, “Of course, child sex trafficking does happen, and it is horrible” then belaboring the point that the number of missing and kidnapped children a year was supposedly blown out of proportion by activists fighting to spread awareness of Human Trafficking. The author does a great job of providing conflicting messages which, in my opinion, does nothing to benefit the exposure of crimes against humanity and, in fact, presents a tone dangerously close to defending them. I will stand boldly in opposition of The Atlantic’s publication and I will stand firmly (and fearlessly) beside my previous statement that the real pandemic is not Covid-19 but Human Trafficking.
It is important to note that the owner of The Atlantic is Laurene Powell Jobs, wife of the late Steve Jobs, who was photographed poolside cozying up with now convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell (See Twitter photo below). The timing of this ludicrous and wildly inaccurate publication by The Atlantic diverting the seriousness of Human Trafficking, specifically child sex trafficking, while a well-known acquaintance was on trial for sex trafficking of minors should call into question whether we have a free press or a propaganda machine.
Laurene Powell Jobs Owner Of The Atlantic Magazine And Ghislaine Maxwell
— J̵̟̦̲̞̭̱̀̈́͑̄̇̈́̚͝ustice (@The_Justice7) August 5, 2021
Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of the late Steve Jobs, poolside with now convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell.
The Atlantic publication follows in the footsteps of the mainstream media’s dying credibility and, dare I say, validates my assertions above that the MSM is the enemy of the people. As you read The Fight to End Human Trafficking, I encourage you to do your own research, get involved locally to become a part of the solution and I expect you to hold me accountable; having said that I will never downplay the seriousness of Human Trafficking, will never disrespect victims by minimalizing the issue and will do my best to expose, rather than protect, those guilty of crimes against humanity.
Cartoon courtesy
Your Call to Action for this series is to simply do your due diligence! As we’ve explored in this part of the series, it is more important than ever for We the People to educate ourselves. We can no longer rely on the dominant media to present objectively the facts of any particular situation with the absence of alternative motives.
Once we have raised serious questions, researched, and used logic and reason to come to our own conclusions we are obligated to spread Truth without fear of repercussion. This is the essence of our First Amendment Right and our duty as free Americans to combat Fake News and their attempt to divide and control the minds of the People.
Finally, on the topic of Human Trafficking specifically, I simply ask you to ponder this point. Human Trafficking does not discriminate against race, religion, or political affiliation; therefore if there is one issue we can Unite around regardless of our personal politics I genuinely believe it is the Fight to End Human Trafficking. After all, if someone is not in favor of ending Human Trafficking, they become a part of the problem.
Here are a few resources you can explore if you’d like to learn more about Human Trafficking and be sure to check back soon for the next part in this series. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the solution.
Dakota Fitzgerald is 2nd Vice Chair of the Greenville County GOP, an America First MAGA Patriot whose vision is to embolden others to embrace, wholly, their duty and contribution to humanity while forming a more perfect Union and fighting to End Human Trafficking.
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