Joe Biden’s Chinese Communist Party connections concern many US citizens that Biden will roll over at the request of the CCP.
In the view of many, Joe Biden is a man of many contradictions. From the perspective of his socialist globalist handlers, Joe provided a smokescreen to hide their real intentions of transforming America to a Marxist ideology from moderate Democrats and the mindless Trump haters to win an election.
To ensure his cover, his handlers, aware of his propensity for gaffes and poor decisions, elected to keep him out of the public view and in his basement, and avoid healthy discourse with the American people. Biden’s handlers were not interested in the man Joe Biden filling the presidency’s office, but instead a mindless puppet they could easily control and impact their Marxist agenda.
Many believe that the far left of the socialist globalist Democratic Party is these so-called “handlers.” Today it is reported, Joe is deciding on some of his perspective advisors and cabinet. Unfortunately, Joe’s picks reflect a return from a foreign policy perspective to the same old globalist ideas and leading from behind of the Obama Administration’s failed policies.
Joe Biden
Is this a progressive perspective that many moderate Democrats voted for or a reversal of the America first policies of the populist Trump Administration and a return to the failed deep state globalist and leading from behind policies advocated by Obama and his Administration? Many believe it’s the latter. Same old failed Obama policies are Joe’s plan.
There is evidence this plan will not satisfy the handlers or the far left, and they will look at some point to replace Joe with the Marxist Vice President Kamala Harris by invoking the 25th amendment or some other means. Patriots, Joe is full of contradictions and wittingly or unwittingly is a Trojan horse to allow Marxists to infiltrate our Constitutional Republic unless we come to our senses and reject this nonsense.
God save the Republic. God save America.
Tommy Coleman is a retired SC public school teacher.
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