Joe Biden
It isn’t easy for many to comprehend the mob violence in the streets of our Republic. Why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not condemn this lawless behavior during the Democrat National Convention is a mystery. It appears the socialist globalist Democrats condone violence in our streets as a strategy to force Communism on our constitutional Republic.
More than 80 days of violence in Portland. Autonomous zone in Seattle. Mob violence in Wisconsin and elsewhere. These lawless tactics remind the way communist movements in history have succeeded in seizing power. You see this, from the Bolsheviks in Russia, to Asia, to Africa, to Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua in the western hemisphere.
Donald Trump
It is clear to many that communists in America intend to change the geopolitical paradigm globally, especially in our constitutional Republic. Our Republic’s salvation or its destruction boils down to the national election on November 3, 2020.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, offer Communism and lawlessness. Donald Trump and Mike Pence offer free-market Capitalism, the rule of law, due process, and a guarantee of our inalienable freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The choice is clear!
God bless America.
Tommy Coleman is a retired public school teacher.
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