The Standard contributor Preston Baines adds important choices for the June 9th Republican Primary starting with this one for US Senate.
US Sen. Lindsey Graham (R- Central) is running for his fourth term. He faces Dwayne “Duke” Buckner, Michael LaPierre and Joe Reynolds in the Republican Primary. The winner faces off against the strongest senate Democrat challenger in South Carolina since Graham’s initial run in 2002, lobbyist and former SC Democrat Party Chairman Jaime Harrison.
Sen. Lindsey Graham
Michael LaPierre is the strongest challenger to Graham and deserves conservative support in Tuesday’s Republican Primary. LaPierre, of Pickens, is a conservative who has given specifics on how he would serve in the senate and his conservative stances are opposite of the record of Graham. LaPierre has a remarkable record as a businessman, graduate of America’s top schools and a leader in the Christian movement in South Carolina.
Graham rebuilt his reputation after he was in serious danger of losing re-election. The formerly anti-Trumper and current Judiciary Chairman (He relinquishes that after this term) put on a fierce defense of Brett Kavanaugh during the senate confirmation process, and that was crucial to Kavanaugh being confirmed.
U.S. Senate candidate Michael LaPierre
Fast forwarding to Graham’s actual record. He supported almost all nominees from President Obama. Gave the thumbs up to Justices Kagen and Sotomayor, and Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Graham says that he votes for nominees because they are qualified. When the nominees have shown that they don’t believe in the constitution, he voted for them anyway. In that case it is the responsibility of a senator to vote against confirmation. The nominees are all pro-abortion and it is claimed that Graham is protecting the unborn. Sen. Graham not only voted for these nominees but almost all of the Obama nominees. His late friend, Sen. John McCain did not even support all of these nominees.
Sen. Graham has also made a habit of covering up corruption of the Obama administration. He has continuously “threatened” to hold Obama officials accountable for their illegal take-down of the Trump campaign and his presidency. He eventually just held hearings, after telling us he would do it for years as he was facing re-election. And now, Graham has postponed further hearing until after the primary. We are still waiting on hearings about the Obama/Biden administration’s involvement in Ukraine corruption. Graham has just pushed that off into other committees.
These are just a very few of the failures of Sen. Graham opposing not only the conservative cause, but allowing the DC swamp to flourish. I encourage you to vote for Michael LaPierre for senate. It is also important the citizens keep Sen. Graham below 50% in the June 9th primary and force him to a runoff. Attorney and former Walterboro Councilman Duke Buckner is also a conservative, wise and an influential choice.
Preston Baines is a political analyst and can be reached at @prestonbaines on Twitter and
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