The Democrat Presidential Primary is this Saturday, February 29th in South Carolina. Politico’s from around the country are suddenly converging on the state and sounding the trumpet call for the Democrats. But, what have the Democrats got to offer the American people? Let’s look a little closer at the major contenders for the top executive seat in the U.S. in a brief overview.


Elizabeth Warren

Another socialist, similar to Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth believes in socialized “Medicare for all” and supports Obamacare.

Although the top 10 percent of income earners currently pay 70 percent of all federal income taxes, Warren Elizabeth Warren’s Universal Child-Care Plan: What to Knowwants to punish them further with an unconstitutional wealth tax. Of course all this has been tried before in the U.S.S.R., Communist Cuba, etc. and we should have learned that when you destroy the capitalist class, they stop investing in the economy and depression ensues. Yet Elizabeth Warren presents the old socialist formula as if it were something new.

Warren says she can “finance” $20.5 trillion in healthcare without costing the “middle class 1 cent.” (If you believe that one, then I’ve got a bridge in San Francisco I want to sell you.

She’s all for universal child care. Liz also favors “Reparations for slavery” and “Gay Reparations” as well! (Who’s going to pay for these? Go look in the mirror.) She is also an advocate for abortion and same sex marriage.

She would eliminate all criminal penalties for the violation of U.S. Immigration Laws. Her nomination would signal the end of the U.S. as we have known it.

Tom Steyer

Billionaire climate activist from California who spent $84 million the first three months of his presidential bid. Source: Los Angeles Times, Oct. 16-2019, Steyer would make climate change a national emergency his first day in office. (What that would result in is up to your imagination?)Tom Steyer and the link between hate groups and climate ...

A typical socialist:
1. He would undo all Trump tax cuts
2. Supports “Medicare for all” / socialized medicine
3. Supports the wealth tax of Warren and Sanders
4. Steyer supported the impeachment of Donald Trump, forming “Need to Impeach” in 2017, meaning he supported the search for an excuse to impeach the President long before the House Impeachment Inquiry by Adam Schiff.

In millions of dollars of radio commercials, Steyer refers to Trump as the “Criminal in the White House,” as if his allegation makes it so.

Steyer spent $100 million to support Democrats during the 2018 midterm elections.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden, Vice President under Barack Obama, and former U.S. Senator. Sometimes known as “Creepy Joe” because of his “handsy” greetings from behind.

Supports:Biden says he'll 'fortify' collective capabilities with India

1. Same-Sex Marriage
Biden reversed previously held opinions against gay marriage in May of 2012, saying he endorsed gay marriage and is “absolutely comfortable” with men marrying men, etc. Source: Wikipedia on Political Positions of Joe Biden
2. Abortion
Joe favors abortion and will not help overturn Roe v. Wade to end it. (60 million children terminated since 1973)
3. Supports “Pathway to Citizenship” for illegal aliens
4 Supports Paris Accords on climate change
5. Supports Affirmative Action
6. Voted against the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court
7. Supports the “Wealth Tax” of Sanders and Warren
8. Refused to answer a question at the University of Pittsburgh in November 2011 about his religious faith.
9. Biden wants to expand Obamacare, which forced Americans to participate or face fines imposed the IRS
10. Biden flip-flopped on the PBS Charlie Rose Show saying: “I was opposed to going to war with Libya.” In fact, Biden supported the NATO bombardment of Libya, which violated two U.N. Rules of Engagement calling for an imposition of a No-Fly Zone and a suspension of the sale of arms to either side in the conflict.

He stated, “NATO got it right” after NATO bombardment (over 70,000 sorties by military jets with bombs) killed over 70,000 Libyans and left the country in shambles, resulting in a massive influx of illegal aliens (mostly Muslims) into Western Europe from all over North Africa.

Biden supports legalization of marijuana and he supported NAFTA, which resulted in the massive loss of U.S. jobs and massive trade imbalances. The election of Joe Biden would result in the continuation of the agenda of Barack Obama.


Michael Bloomberg

Former three term mayor of New York.

1) Bloomberg’s No. 1 priority is Gun Control. He helped organize “Every Town for Gun Safety,” an anti-gun lobby “I’d Vote for Michael in a Heartbeat”: Wall Street’s Case ...that donated $2.5 million in Virginia’s state elections to help Democratic candidates take control of the State House and Senate (resulting in passage of restrictive gun laws that spawned the massive pro-Second Amendment rally at the State Capitol involving 22,000 demonstrators.
2) Bloomberg helped found “Climate Control Beyond Carbon” group in 2011 with the goal of shutting down plants that use coal to generate electricity.
3) He supports Medicare for all who are not otherwise covered, apparently including illegal aliens.
4) Illegal Immigrants: he helped fund the pro-immigrant group, “Partnership for a New American Economy” to protect illegal aliens from deportation.
5) he is pro-abortion.
6) Champions same sex marriage.
7) Opposed merit-pay for better teachers.

Bloomberg was instrumental in changing the Virginia legislative makeup from Republican controlled to Democrat controlled. He did this by contributing heavily to Virginia political candidates in the 2019 election cycle which resulted in a major change in the political landscape in Virginia. He also discounts the major role farmers play in providing food to Americans.

Amy Klobuchar

U.S. Senator Minnesota

Former Staffers Defend Amy Klobuchar in Open Letter1) Supports the massive expenditures in the Green New Deal
2) supports raising U.S. refugee admissions back to Obama era levels of 150,000 per year (Trump reduced this to 75,000).
3) Supports Amnesty for the Obama era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals “children” 80 percent of whom were males over 18 who crossed the U.S. Border to join other family members who crossed the border illegally.
4) She supports legalization of marijuana.
5) Would end the Trump travel ban — travelers from terrorist countries like Iran, Yemen etc.
6) would return the U.S. to comply with the edicts of the Paris Climate Accords.
7) Supports full funding of Planned Parenthood (abortion)
8) would raise refugee admissions back up to 150,000 per year (like during the Obama era when 150,000 mostly Muslim refugees from places like Syria, were entering the US).
9) and Universal Health care (socialized medicine in one form or another.

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune,
June 2019

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders supports just about every big government socialist spending proposal there is, regardless of the impossibility of paying for it, or what would occur to the federal deficit (and how this would adversely impact the lives of nearly all Americans). Bernie never saw a socialist program he didn’t support.QDSND6BUHUI6TA3V4POPNNUFLA.jpg (1484×989)

Bernie supports:

Medicare for all or Socialized Medicine, where the US Government is the “single payer” and controls all healthcare.

Professor Ken Thorpe of Emory University says “Medicare for All” would incur expenditure of between $32.6 to $38.8 trillion between 2020 and 2029. As with

Obamacare, it is highly likely that everyone would be forced to participate or face stiff fines. A great deal of your freedom to choose would end too.

Bernie also supports the “Green New Deal” projected to cost an additional $8.3 to $12.3 trillion between 2020 and 2029, or $52,000 to $72,000 per U.S. household.

Would U.S. citizens end up paying for illegal aliens who never paid a cent in Medicare taxes? Most likely!

Bernie also endorses free college for all, free housing for all, elimination of all medical debts, etc. His presidency and enactment of all these programs would end the United States as we have known it. Bernie would stop all deportations of illegal immigrants, implement communistic rent controls, expand the DACA Amnesty for illegals, etc. He opposed any border wall. Bernie is so attuned to socialism/communism that he spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union in 1988. His appeal is to those who are ignorant of the fact that socialism is a failure formula that has never worked anywhere in the world without bringing true egalitarian poverty for all.

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg is the first openly homosexual candidate for President in U.S. history. He “married” his male “wife” June 16, 2018.

Other than this, he is another socialist candidate who supports socialized medicine, a “tax wealth” to redistribute wealth, and who supports the Paris Climate Accords to tax Americans for energy consumption (to redistribute Everything to Know About 2020 Candidate Mayor Pete Buttigiegwealth), etc. He opposes the deportation of illegal aliens. He calls sending U.S. troops to control illegal immigration across America’s Southern border a “waste of time.” He opposes a border wall and wants new federal laws for the LGBTQ community to force heterosexuals to accept and endorse the homosexual political agenda (regardless of any moral convictions to the contrary), the so called Federal Equity Act for LGBTQ’s.

Pete Buttigieg served eight years as the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He previously worked in the Presidential campaign of John Kerry (who went on to become Barrack Obama’ second Secretary of State). Buttigieg supports a carbon tax on fossil fuel consumption. He supports abortion and the Obama DACA Program that granted temporary sanctuary to hundreds of thousands of alleged illegal alien youths (80 percent ended up being males aged 18 to 34).

The media has recently gone wild over a 9-year-old boy Pete Buttgigg helped come out as gay at a political rally.  We are reminded of the Genesis story of Sodom where the men of the city called for Lot to send out the angels that they could have sexual relations with them.


William Carter is a Chiropractor and political commentator.