“The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the current NAFTA agreement that governs trade in North America. The trade agreement has been negotiated by the governments of The United States, Mexico and Canada, but still must be ratified be certain groups within these governments. The trade agreement will have a big impact on many parts of the economy. There will be winners and losers.” — USMCA.com website.

Globalist corporations and individuals around the world are pushing for more trade agreements which give them advantages and benefits otherwise impossible to have on their own. These trade agreements come in the form of National Treaties with surrounding countries. They are regional and come at great expense of national sovereignty and identity. Great Britain just left a trade agreement with the European Union which, as they usually will do, morph into a behemoth that consumes nations and their unique identity at the cost of their sovereignty.

The United States has been the loser in the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, for the past over 20 years. NAFTA is now to be replaced by the USMCA. This is another one world trade globalist boondoggle that will come at the expense of US national sovereignty as well as individual control of US States and individuals.

The EU was sold to the people in Europe as a nifty idea to work together for the common trade in a “common market”, and they could work in some cases with economies of scale and such. It turned out to be their nightmare! Nigel Forage just led the Brits out of the EU with Brexit after many years of enslavement to their policies due to it being a bad deal for the British people. He cited among other things that the EU forbid their national flag, national anthem, currency, open border policies to accept a ‘culture of death’ with third world “refugees” and is preparing for the creation of a standing European Army separate and favored above each country’s own army. Farage said, “In the UK and indeed, in the Brexit Party, we love Europe, we just hate the European Union.”

The EU also imposed upon Great Britain multinational corporations, the “money trust“, globalist politics, limited their fishing rights around their own country, and was removing national borders in favor of one big Europe. The people said “we want our country back, we want our fishing waters back, we want our borders back.”

All this is happening around us now, yet, the United States State Department, Trade advisers and President Donald Trump seem to rushing headfirst into the jaws of destruction by agreeing to the USMCA treaty. Trade agreements are not about trade, they don’t benefit us, we have the best marketers and products in the world.  Trade agreements are more accurately about a small cabal of shadowy men getting control of what a country has to offer in terms of resources, manpower, government and sovereignty itself, and who has access to and who can use them. This is what we have just witnessed with Great Britain and Brexit! Could that explain why there has been little to no news coverage in the dominant media of Brexit and the departure from the EU by Great Britain?

We already have a plethora of foreign business entities working in the US and purchasing our land in large thanks to Barack Hussein Obama and his sovereignty destroying practices and policies. Thanks to Obama we have foreign corporations building our infrastructure of roads, bridges and hospitals, owning US toll booths and collecting and taking the money home, supplying our voting machines, etc. What will happen when these foreign corporations are in charge of communications, agriculture and energy—also known as fuel, gas, coal, diesel, fuel oil—with government permission to set production and pricing due to a treaty?

The people of the US already knows from experience that NAFTA was a utter failure! Thousands of manufacturing plants closed down, wages were stifled, jobs were lost, towns bankrupted, industries were moved out of the country, foreign industries were favored, the modern day “silk road” was opened for China to send surplus goods into this country through Mexico as finished goods, trucking was opened up to the interior of the United States for Mexico and Canada, and lots more. Oh, yes, we retained some jobs for a fraction of the wage that was paid prior. And, yes, we got a lot of cheap bobbles from China to replace better made America products, but they were cheap and in today’s America that seems to count for something. Oh yes, we opened up a few new stores like Dollar Store and Dollar Tree.

At what cost did this “prosperity” come? Was any this good for United States citizens? Aren’t our Congressmen supposed to looking out for you and me? Were pockets lined with ‘vote money’ to favor foreign, or domestic, big business? Is this how elected Congressmen and US Senators go to Washington having worked as a bartender and wind up having millions in the bank? Or how Congressmen’s sons get jobs making $80 thousand a month? Or perhaps how the daughter’s of President’s give speeches for up to a million dollars right of of school? What’s been called the ‘dark’ or ‘deep state’ has the attention of the person who is supposed to represent you, have you spoken with that representative lately? Or just at election time when he wants your money?

Big money talks to those who are willing to sell out our sovereignty and our American people. In many circles those who did such would be called ‘traitor’. And there are laws against those things. Call it what you like, I’ll call it wrong.


Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.